1:30 PM
Recent physics highlights from MINIBALL at REX-ISOLDE
Janne Pakarinen
2:00 PM
Location of the g9/2 orbit in neutron-rich Ca isotopes studied with the shell model
Yutaka Utsuno
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
Study of Neutron-Rich Mg Isotopes through $\beta$-decay of Spin-Polarized Na Isotopes
Kunihiko Tajiri
(Dep. of Phys., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan)
2:40 PM
Isospin breaking effects in 51Co, 48Fe, and their mirror partners
Paul Davies
(University of York)
3:00 PM
Extrapolation method in the Monte Carlo Shell Model and its application to medium heavy nuclei
Noritaka Shimizu
(Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)