30 August 2021 to 2 September 2021
Video Conference
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Measurement of isotope production cross section of proton incident reactions on 209Bi and 208Pb

30 Aug 2021, 21:35
Zoom (Video Conference)


Video Conference

https://zoom.us/j/95265192679?pwd=dDQrcXJ6elRXam9CN296M2o4SDRNQT09 ミーティングID: 952 6519 2679 パスコード: samurai7Tm


Dr Keita Nakano (JAEA)


Accelerator driven transmutation system (ADS) is a promising technology for the treatment of high-level radioactive wastes.
We propose a new experiment to measure the isotope production cross section in the proton incident reactions on Pb and Bi isotopes, which play an important role in the design of ADS.

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