Yasumichi Aoki
Investigation of QCD thermodynamics for $N_f$=2+1 along the lines of constant physics with Möbius domain wall fermions is underway. At our coarsest lattice $N_t$=12, reweighting to overlap fermions is not successful. To use domain wall fermions with the residual mass larger than average physical $ud$ quarks, careful treatments of the residual chiral symmetry breaking are necessary. One of the examples is the chiral condensate where a UV power divergence associated with the residual chiral symmetry breaking emerges with a coefficient not known a priori. In this presentation we introduce first the setup of the computations and then discuss methodologies to overcome potential problems towards the continuum limit in this setup.
Recording and publishing | yes |
Primary authors
Yasumichi Aoki
Sinya Aoki
(Kyoto University)
Hidenori Fukaya
(Osaka University)
Jishnu Goswami
(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
Shoji Hashimoto
Issaku Kanamori
Takashi Kaneko
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Yu Zhang