On equivalence between Yang-Mills gradient flow and stout smearing

15 Feb 2023, 16:06
Lecture Hall (6F)

Lecture Hall (6F)

Oral presentation Poster


Mr Masato Nagatsuka (Tohoku University)


Similarity between the Yang-Mills gradient flow and the stout smearing was first implied by M. Lüscher in 2010 and the rigorous proof of the equivalence was recently given by K. Sakai and S. Sasaki at the zero limit of the lattice spacing and the smearing parameter.
However, it is not obvious that they remain equivalent even with finite parameters within some numerical precision, therefore we verified the equivalence by comparing the energy density $\langle E\rangle$ measured in numerical simulations.

Recording and publishing yes

Primary authors

Mr Masato Nagatsuka (Tohoku University) Mr Keita Sakai (Tohoku University) Prof. Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku University)

Presentation materials