- Issaku Kanamori (RIKEN RCCS)
We consider fermion systems on a square lattice with a mass term having a curved domain-wall. It is shown that massless and chiral edge states appear on the wall. In the cases of $S^1$ and $S^2$ domain-walls embedded into flat cubic lattices, we find that these edge modes feel gravity through the induced Spin or Spin$^c$ connections. The gravitational effect is encoded in the Dirac eigenvalue...
We present the results of nucleon structure studies measured in 2+1 flavor QCD with physical light quarks in large spatial extents of about 10 and 5 fm. Our calculations are performed on 2+1 flavor gauge configurations generated by the PACS Collaboration with the stout-smeared O(a) improved Wilson fermions and Iwasaki gauge action at beta=1.82 corresponding to the lattice spacing of 0.085 fm....
It is a fundamental question: what is the origin of the glueball masses? In the pure Yang-Mills theory, there is no mass scale in the classical level, while the breaking of scale invariance is induced by quantum effects. This is regarded as the trace anomaly, which is associated with the non-vanishing trace of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) operator. In this context, the origin of the...
Investigation of QCD thermodynamics for $N_f$=2+1 along the lines of constant physics with Möbius domain wall fermions is underway. At our coarsest lattice $N_t$=12, reweighting to overlap fermions is not successful. To use domain wall fermions with the residual mass larger than average physical $ud$ quarks, careful treatments of the residual chiral symmetry breaking are necessary. One of the...
We have been developing a general purpose lattice QCD code set Bridge++ [1] and its new version contains an optimization for A64FX systems like supercomputer Fugaku. In this presentation, we show the benchmark results of Bridge++ on Fugaku.
The bottleneck of LQCD application is solving linear equations, Dx = b, where fermion matrix D is a large sparse matrix and its operation is a stencil...
One of the motivation for studying QCD thermodynamics is to understand the chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature. Lattice QCD (LQCD) calculations with chiral fermions at finite temperature can be carried out on modern supercomputers nowadays. M\"{o}bius Domain Wall fermions in 5-d represent one realization of chiral fermions, with slight chiral symmetry breaking due to the finite...
Similarity between the Yang-Mills gradient flow and the stout smearing was first implied by M. Lüscher in 2010 and the rigorous proof of the equivalence was recently given by K. Sakai and S. Sasaki at the zero limit of the lattice spacing and the smearing parameter.
However, it is not obvious that they remain equivalent even with finite parameters within some numerical precision,...
We apply the tensor renormalization group method to the (1+1)-dimensional SU(2) principal chiral model at finite chemical potential with the use of the Gauss-Legendre quadrature to discretize the SU(2) Lie group. The internal energy at vanishing chemical potential $µ = 0$ shows good consistency with the prediction of the strong and weak coupling expansions. This indicates an effectiveness of...
In this work, we investigate the CP(1) model using the tensor renormalization group technic, which does not suffer from the sign problem. The phase structure of the CP(1) model with the theta term is an interesting topic since it could be related to the well-known Haldane's conjectures. We apply the recent tensor renormalization technic to the CP(1) model and show that the CP(1) model has no...
The type IIB matrix model, also known as the IKKT model, is a promising candidate for the non-perturbative formulation of the string theory. Its Lorentzian version, in which the indices are contracted using the Lorentzian metric, has a sign problem stemming from e^{iS} in the partition function (where S is the action). It has turned out that the Lorentzian version is equivalent to the...
We investigate the finite temperature QCD phase transition with three degenerate quark flavors using Mobius domain wall fermions. To explore the order of phase transition on the lower left corner of Columbia plot and if possible, to locate the critical endpoint
we performed simulations at temperatures around 181 and 121 MeV with lattice spacing $a=0.1361(20)$~fm corresponding to temporal...
Understanding the nature of correlated quantum many-body systems is the main purpose of modern condensed matter physics. Current booming quantum computing techniques offer a new way to treat these challenging systems: the quantum simulation approach. Using the quantum computer, which is a controllable quantum many-body system by itself, we can simulate other correlated quantum systems in which...
We perform a non-perturbative lattice calculation of the decay rates for inclusive semi-leptonic decays of charmed mesons. In view of the long-standing tension in the determination of the CKM matrix elements $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$ from exclusive and inclusive processes, recently, the use of lattice QCD has been extended towards the description of inclusive decays. Since the determination of...