July 28, 2023
University of York
Europe/London timezone

Ideas for the next PAC

Jul 28, 2023, 2:10 PM
ISA on Campus East, Room 135 (University of York)

ISA on Campus East, Room 135

University of York

ISA on Campus East
New proposal


Zoltan Elekes (MTA ATOMKI)


The Atomki group would like to propose two ideas for the next PAC. (1) Shape evolution of proton-rich nuclei beyond the N=Z line, (2) study of sulfur and silicon isotopes reaching the neutron drip line.

Specifically, we intend to propose to investigate the proton and neutron distribution in 58Zn, 62Ge, and 66Se as well as the matter deformation in 52Ni, 56Zn, and 60Ge. For the neutron-rich nuclei, we plan to map the low-lying states of 46,47,48Si as well as that of the 43,44Si isotopes.

Primary author

Zoltan Elekes (MTA ATOMKI)

Presentation materials

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