July 28, 2023
University of York
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

38 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Acosta Jaime Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (CSIC, Madrid)
Alahari Navin GANIL
Bentley Michael University of York
Blazhev Andrey IKP, Universität zu Köln
Browne Frank CERN
Chen Sidong University of York
Cortes Sua Martha Liliana RIKEN
de Angelis Giacomo INFN LNL
Doornenbal Pieter RIKEN
Duy Linh Bui
Elekes Zoltan Atomki
Flavigny Freddy LPC Caen
Fraile Luis Mario Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Gao Ting University of Hong Kong
Illana Sison Andres UCM
Imai Nobu CNS, Univ. of Tokyo
Jungclaus Andrea IEM-CSIC
Kohda Asahi Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
KORTEN Wolfram CEA Paris-Saclay
Lee Jenny The University of Hong Kong
Li Pengjie Institute of Modern Physics, China
Liu Hongna Beijing Normal University
Liu Xiaoyu The Unversity of Hong Kong
Marshall William University of York
Matta Adrien LPC Caen CNRS/IN2P3
Moon Byul CENS, IBS
O'Donnell David University of the West of Scotland
Orr Nigel LPC-Caen
Petri Marina University of York
Pérez Vidal Rosa María IFIC- CSIC and INFN-LNL
Suzuki Daisuke Riken Nishina Center
Taniuchi Ryo University of York
Tetley Luke University of York
Wimmer Kathrin GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Xu Yingfeng Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhiqiang Chen GSI