RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

Entanglement of astrophysical neutrinos [NPS-335]

by Prof. Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

Room 359 (RIKEN Main Building)

Room 359

RIKEN Main Building


Collective oscillations of neutrinos represent emergent nonlinear flavor evolution phenomena instigated by neutrino-neutrino interactions in astrophysical environments with sufficiently high neutrino densities. In this talk, after a brief introduction, it will be shown that neutrinos exhibit interesting entanglement behavior in simplified models of those oscillations. Attempts to study this behavior using classical and quantum computers will be described. An intriguing connection to the heavy-element nucleosynthesis, namely the possibility of neutrino entanglement driving a new kind of i-process nucleosynthesis, will be introduced.

ZOOM link: https://riken-jp.zoom.us/j/8198924880?pwd=UVU3QkNjZ1Y4ZDVZUnZsQ3AxOExHUT09

Organized by

Tomoya Naito and Tomohiro Oishi