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TWilki: https://wiki.sphenix.bnl.gov/index.php?title=INTT_Analysis_Software#INTT.2BCalo_Tracking
We shared the goal with this tracking algolizm, what issues remain, and our current status.
We will have a meeting every two weeks to share information.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled on Feb 26th at 2pm.
It is now possible to obtain accurate EMCAL position information.
By using this new EMCAL information, the MC simulation of the single gun will be forformed for GEANT hit level and also reconstructed cluster.
The applicability of this algorithm is checked for charged particles and muons.
The analysis will be performed using PYTHIA and real data.
By comunicating with Jingyu, the differences between electron and charged particle signals in EMCAL/HCAL will be evaluated.
(Written by Yuko)