Dec 9 – 12, 2013
RIKEN Wako campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone
The JUSTIPEN-JUSEIPEN Workshop is held at RIKEN Wako Campus, December 9-12, 2013. The Japan-U.S. Theory Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei (JUSTIPEN), located at RIKEN Wako Campus, was established in 2006 to facilitate collaborations between U.S. and Japanese scientists whose main research thrust is in the area of the physics of exotic nuclei. Since then, many U.S. scientists, who are interested in collaborating with Japanese scientists, have visited RIKEN and other institutes in Japan with JUSTIPEN travel grants. Among many research collaborations, the computational aspects should be highlighted in a field of nuclear structure and reaction theories. While JUSTIPEN primarily focuses on theory collaborations, a number of experimentalists with theoretical collaborators in Japan have also been supported. The program has been supported also by the "Todai-RIKEN Joint International Program for Nuclear Physics" (TORIJIN). While the JUSTIPEN travel grant will end in 2013, the JUSTIPEN will continue to operate to benefit collaborative projects between US and Japan and coordinate efforts in the area of low-energy nuclear theory.
JUSTIPEN also inspired the establishment of similar programs. Among them, the Japan-U.S. Experiment Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei (JUSEIPEN) was established in August 2010. JUSEIPEN promotes collaborations among experimentalists in U.S. and Japan. The present joint workshop at RIKEN aims at fostering exchange, collaborations, and discussions of current and future topics in the theory and experiment of exotic nuclei.
RIKEN Wako campus
Okochi Hall
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi 351-0198, Japan
Organizing committee (US): Baha Balentekin (Wisconsin-Madison), Michael Carpenter (ANL), Richard Casten (Yale), Paul Fallon (LBNL), Thomas Glasmacher (MSU), Witold Nazarewicz (Tennessee), Thomas Papenbrock (Tennessee), David Radford (ORNL)
Organizing committee (Japan): Nori Aoi (RCNP), Takashi Nakatsukasa (RIKEN), Kazuyuki Ogata (RCNP), Masaki Sasano (RIKEN), Shinya Wanajo (NAOJ), Ken Yako (CNS)
Host: RIKEN Nishina Center and Cernter for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo [Under the cooperation agreement "Todai-RIKEN Joint International Program for Nuclear Physics (TORIJIN)"]
Sponsors: U.S. Department of Energy (JUSTIPEN, JUSEIPEN), MEXT HPCI SPIRE Field 5