Clustering in light neutron-rich nuclei by Prof. Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo (Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
Nishina Hall
Nishina Hall
=Date and Place=
Feb 16,Tues 13:30~ at Nishina Hall
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
(Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
Clustering in light neutron-rich nuclei
Cluster aspect is one of the essential features in light unstable nuclei as well as stable nuclei. A variety of cluster states were suggested in the ground and excited states of neutron-rich Be, where the 2-alpha core and surrounding excess neutrons play important roles.Further rich cluster phenomena are expected in excited states of neutron-rich C because of 3-alpha and valence neutrons. In this talk, I will discuss the following topics on cluster phenomena based on the theoretical calculations of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics:
1. Molecular orbitals and cluster resonances in Be isotopes
2. Low-lying and giant dipole resonances in Be
3. Linear chain in C isotopes