25–30 Jul 2016
Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Search for tetraneutron by pion double charge exchange reaction at J-PARC

26 Jul 2016, 18:20
2F Room III (Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University)

2F Room III

Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University

Board: 26-FB-1-4


Hiroyuki Fujioka (Kyoto University)


Very recently, four candidates of the tetraneutron state were observed in the 4He(8He,8Be) reaction at RIBF [1]. While the experiment will be continued aiming at higher statistics, the confirmation of such an exotic state with a different reaction is important. We propose a pion DCX (double charge exchange) reaction to populate a tetraneutron state via the 4He(pi-,pi+) reaction. In order to overcome a very low formation cross section, a high-intensity pion beam at the HIHR beamline, planned to be constructed in J-PARC, will be utilized. In this contribution, we will discuss the experimental concept. [1] K. Kisamori et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 052501 (2016).

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