Ralf W. Gothe
(University of South Carolina)
7/26/16, 10:00 AM
Meson-photoproduction measurements and their reaction-amplitude analyses can establish more sensitively, and in some cases in an almost model-independent way, the nucleon excitation and non-resonant reaction amplitudes. However, to investigate the strong interaction from explored – where meson-cloud degrees of freedom contribute substantially to the baryon structure – to still unexplored...
Yoshitaka Hatta
(Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University)
7/26/16, 11:40 AM
I review the recent progress in understanding the decomposition of the nucleon spin into the helicity and orbital angular momentum of quarks and gluons.
Kamal SETH
(Northwestern University)
7/26/16, 2:15 PM
Form factors for timelike momentum transfers, determined by hadron-antihadron formation in e+e- annihilation, provide information about spin correlations between the hadron pair produced, information complementary to that provided by spacelike form factors determined by electron scattering from hadronic targets. Timelike form factors at large momentum transfers have only been so far measured...
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC, Univversity of Valencia)
7/26/16, 2:15 PM
We study the Λ_b → J/ψ K0 Λ reaction considering both the K0 Λ interaction with its coupled channels and the J/ψΛ interaction. The latter is described by taking into account the fact that there are predictions for a hidden-charm state with strangeness that couples to J/ψΛ. By using the coupling of the resonance to J/ψΛ from these predictions we show that a neat peak can be observed in the J/ψΛ...
Akinobu Dote
(KEK Theory Center)
7/26/16, 2:15 PM
In mesic nuclei, kaonic nuclei have been a hot topic for a decade. Due to so strong KbarN attraction that generates a hyperon resonance Lambda(1405), kaonic nuclei could have various interesting properties, in particular to form a dense matter. To clarify exotic nature caused by anti-kaons, the most essential kaonic nucleus “K-pp” has been studied eagerly from both theoretical and experimental...
Enrico Gamberini
(University of Ferrara)
7/26/16, 2:50 PM
The NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays with a highly efficient trigger for decays into electrons in 2007. The kaon beam represents a source of tagged neutral pion decays in vacuum. A measurement of the electromagnetic transition form factor slope of the neutral pion in the time-like region from ~1 million fully reconstructed pi0 Dalitz decay is presented.
Carlos Munoz Camacho
(IPN-Orsay, CNRS/IN2P3)
7/26/16, 2:50 PM
The understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) at large distances still remains one of the main outstanding problems of nuclear physics. Investigating the internal structure of hadrons provides a way to probe QCD in the non-perturbative domain and can help us unravel the spatial extensions of nature's building blocks. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) is the easiest reaction that...
Takumi Yamaga
(Osaka university)
7/26/16, 2:50 PM
As a consequence of the attractive KbarN interaction, kaonic nuclei which is bound state of anti-kaon and nucleon has been widely discussed. All theoretical studies support the existence of kaonic nuclei, however, its energy and width are widely spread depending on energy dependence of the KbarN interaction model. The investigation of such bound state would help us to understand the KbarN...
Sachiko Takeuchi
(Japan College of Social Work)
7/26/16, 3:15 PM
Recent LHCb experiments show us that there are two resonances in the N-J/Psi channel, whose spin and parity are most probably (3/2- 5/2+). In this work, we will show that there is a state which gains a large attraction from the color-magnetic interaction in the uudccbar I(JP)=1/2(3/2-) channel, which appears as a resonance in the Lambda_c Dbar* channel, when one employs a quark model. We also...
Qin-Tao Song
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), Sokendai)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
The polarized deuteron has new structure functions in charged-lepton deep inelastic scattering due to its spin-one nature, and they are b1, b2, b3, and b4. The twist-two structure functions b1 and b2 are expressed by tensor-polarized parton distribution functions in the deuteron [1]. There is an approved experiment at JLab to measure them and it is expected to start in 2019. On the other hand,...
Takayasu Sekihara
(Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
Recently, a peak structure was observed near the K^- p p threshold in the in-flight 3He (K^- , Lambda p) n reaction of the E15 experiment at J-PARC. This peak could be a signal of the lightest kaonic nuclei, that is, the Kbar N N (I=1/2) state, which has been intensively studied both experimentally and theoretically in the last decade. In this contribution we theoretically investigate what is...
Astrid Hiller Blin
(IFIC/CSIC/Universidad de Valencia)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
The phi-meson properties in cold nuclear matter are revisited by implementing resonant phi-N interactions as described in chirally-based approaches including the unitarization of scattering amplitudes. Several N*-like states are dynamically generated in these models around 2 GeV, immediately above the phi N threshold. We find that these states give a sizable contribution to the phi collisional...
Jingqing Zhang
(Institute of high energy physics, CAS)
7/26/16, 3:20 PM
Based on the large samples of J/ψ and ψ(2s) events accumulated at the BESIII detector, the recent results on baryon spectrosocopy will be presented, including the PWA of ψ(2S)-->p pbar pi0, p pbar eta. Also the perspectives on the baryon spectroscopy at BESIII will be discussed.
Chung-Wen Kao
(Chung-Yuan Christian University)
7/26/16, 3:50 PM
We derived the conditions on certain combinations of integrals of the fragmentation functions of pion using HERMES data for the sum of the charged pion multiplicities from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering (SIDIS) off the deuteron target. In our derivation the nucleon parton distribution functions (PDFs) are assumed to be isospin SU(2) symmetric. Similar conditions have also been...
Sean Dobbs
(Northwestern University)
7/26/16, 3:50 PM
Hyperon production in e+e- annihilation provides a clean laboratory for the production of baryons and strangeness in hadronization, and can provide insight into the structure of different hyperons by comparing their production rates. Using 52 pb-1, 805 pb-1, and 586 pb-1 of e+e- annihilation data taken at the psi(2S), psi(3770), and psi(4160) resonances, respectively, with the CLEO-c detector,...
Yudai Ichikawa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
7/26/16, 3:50 PM
An interaction between Kbar and nucleus is studied by using the X-ray from the kaonic atoms for a long time. However, it is difficult to determine the Kbar-nucleus interaction by using only kaonic-atoms data because the value of shift and width of the X-ray depend not only the potential depth but also the type of theoretical model. Thus, we study the Kbar-nucleus interaction by comparing an...
Shota Ohnishi
(Hokkaido University)
7/26/16, 4:50 PM
The structure of the light antikaon-nuclear quasi-bound states is investigated with correlated Gaussian method. We perform full three- to seven-body calculations for the systems which consist of an antikaon (anti-K) and a few nucleons (N) such as anti-KNN, anti-KNNN, anti-KNNNN and anti-KNNNNNN systems without any many-body approximation and investigate how the nuclear structure is changed by...
Sun Young Ryu
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University)
7/26/16, 4:50 PM
The $\phi$-$\Lambda(1520)$ interference effect in the $\gamma p\to K^+K^-p$ reaction has been measured for the first time in the energy range from 1.673 to 2.173 GeV at LEPS/SPring-8. The relative phases between $\phi$ and $\Lambda(1520)$ production amplitudes were obtained in the kinematic region where the two resonances overlap. The measurement results support strong constructive...
Satoshi Nakamura
(Osaka University)
7/26/16, 4:50 PM
We discuss our dynamical coupled-channels (DCC) model for neutrino-nucleon interaction in the resonance region where single- and double-pion productions are dominant. Our DCC model is based on meson-exchange non-resonant mechanisms, and excitaions of nucleon resonances. By solving a set of coupled-channels scattering equation, we obtain amplitudes for meson productions such as pi N, pi pi N,...
Yuping Guo
(Institut für Kernphysik)
7/26/16, 4:50 PM
Yuki Kamiya
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
7/26/16, 5:20 PM
Understanding of the structure of exotic hadrons is an important topic of the current hadron physics. The existence of many exotic hadrons, especially the XYZ particles, indicates that the internal structure of hadrons can be more complicated than the ordinary hadrons described by qqbar or qqq. For a stable shallow bound state, Weinberg has derived the model-independent relation between the...
Si-Run Xue
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7/26/16, 5:20 PM
During the past decade, a large number of the so-called $X$, $Y$, $Z$ states have been observed in the heavy flavor sector, as have become candidates for exotic hadrons which may contain more complicated quark-gluon structures than the conventional quark model picture. Among all those exotic candidates, the $Y(4260)$ is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious states and has initiated a lot of...
Elisa Minucci
(Louvain University)
7/26/16, 5:20 PM
K+->pi+nunu is one of the theoretically cleanest meson decay where to look for indirect effects of new physics complementary to LHC searches. The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS is designed to measure the branching ratio of this decay with 10% precision. NA62 took data in pilot runs in 2014 and 2015 reaching the final designed beam intensity. The quality of data acquired in view of the final...
Masayuki Niiyama
(Kyoto Univ.)
7/26/16, 5:20 PM
A high intensity GeV gamma beam line, LEPS2, was constructed at SPring-8 in Japan in 2013. The LEPS2 beam line provides a highly polarized photon beam up to 3 GeV with one order higher intensity than that of LEPS1 facility. We are constructing a 4$\pi$ solenoidal spectrometer which can detect both of charged particles and photons. The LEPS2 solenoid spectrometer consists of a time projection...
Empirical parametrizations of the resonance transition amplitudes based on the Siegert's theorem
Gilberto Ramalho
(International Institute of Physics)
7/26/16, 5:25 PM
The Siegert's theorem states that in a g* N -> N* transition, where N and N* are respectively the nucleon and a nucleon resonance, the electric amplitude, E (defined by the transverse amplitudes) and the scalar amplitude, S, are related in the pseudo-threshold limit by E ~ w/q*S, where w and q are the photon energy and momentum. The pseudo-threshold limit is the limit where q ->0, when the...
Vadim Baru
(Ruhr University Bochum)
7/26/16, 5:50 PM
Heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) partners of the X(3872) 1++ molecule are discussed in a coupled-channel approach with non-perturbative pions. In the strict heavy-quark limit the 1++ molecular state has three degenerate partner states with the 1+-, 0++ and 2++ quantum numbers. In the presence of pions this result is shown to be correct only if all allowed coupled-channel transitions...
Alvin Kiswandhi
(Department of Physics, STKIP Surya)
7/26/16, 5:50 PM
We study the near-threshold incoherent $\phi$ photoproduction on the deuteron based on a model of $\gamma N \to \phi N$, consisting of Pomeron, $(\pi, \eta)$ exchanges, and a $J^P = 3/2^-$ resonance, which describes the low energy \gamma p \to \phi p$ LEPS data well, including the peak in the forward differential cross section. The calculation is done up to double rescatterings, with the spin...
Andrey Zinchenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/26/16, 5:50 PM
The NA48/2 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays into final states with multiple charged particles in 2003-2004. A new upper limit on the rate of the lepton number violating decay K+- --> pi-+ mu+- mu+- obtained from this sample is reported: 8.6 × 10^−{11} at 90% CL, which improves by more than an order of magnitude upon the previous measurements. Searches for...
Henryk Witala
(Jagiellonian University)
7/26/16, 5:50 PM
Comparison of theoretical predictions based on a nucleon-nucleon potential with data for elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering and nucleon induced deuteron breakup reveals the importance of the three-nucleon force (3NF). Inclusion of semi-phenomenological 3NF models into calculations in many cases improves the data description. However, some serious discrepancies remain even when 3NF is...
Hai-Qing Zhou
(Department of Physics,Southeast University)
7/26/16, 5:55 PM
Hiroyuki Fujioka
(Kyoto University)
7/26/16, 6:20 PM
Very recently, four candidates of the tetraneutron state were observed in the 4He(8He,8Be) reaction at RIBF [1]. While the experiment will be continued aiming at higher statistics, the confirmation of such an exotic state with a different reaction is important. We propose a pion DCX (double charge exchange) reaction to populate a tetraneutron state via the 4He(pi-,pi+) reaction. In order to...
Miguel Albaladejo
(IFIC, Valencia)
7/26/16, 6:20 PM
In this talk we report on two recent works about the Zc(3900) resonance. A coupled channel T-matrix is used in the description of the D*D and J/\psi\pi spectra in which the Zc(3900) peak has been seen. The data can be well reproduced in two different scenarios, in which the Zc(3900) is a resonance or a virtual state. We also put this coupled channel T-matrix in a finite box, with the aim of...
Kenkichi Miyabayashi
(Nara Women's University)
7/27/16, 9:15 AM
In Belle experiment, many quarkonium-like exotic hadron candidates have been discovered, X(3872) in B meson decay, Y(4260) in initial state radiation, Zb(10610)+ and Zb(10650)+ in Upsilon(10860) decay and so on. This talk will review recent progress of relevant experimental studies as well as attempts to give a comprehensive interpretation for them.
Shuangshi Fang
(Institute of Hig Energy Physis)
7/27/16, 9:55 AM
The BESIII experiment at the electron positron collider BEPCII in Beijing is successfully operating since 2008 and has collected large data samples in the tau-mass region, including the world’s largest data samples at the J/psi and psi(2s) resonances. In particular decays of these two resonances provide a rich and clean environment to study hadrons consisting out of light quarks and search for...
Yoichi Ikeda
(RCNP, Osaka University)
7/27/16, 10:35 AM
The possible exotic meson $Z_{c}(3900)$, found in $e^+ e^-$ reactions, is studied by the method of coupled-channel scattering in lattice QCD. The interactions among $\pi J/\psi$, $\rho \eta_{c}$ and $\bar{D}D^{*}$ channels are derived from (2+1)-flavor QCD simulations at $m_{\pi}=410$-$700$ MeV. The interactions are dominated by the off-diagonal $\pi J/\psi$-$\bar{D}D^{*}$ and $\rho...
$\bar{D}\Sigma^*_c$ and $\bar{D}^*\Sigma_c$ interactions and the LHCb hidden-charmed pentaquarks
Jun He
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7/27/16, 2:15 PM
Recently, two hidden-charmed resonances $P_c(4380)$ and $P_c(4450)$ consistent with pentaquark states were observed at the LHCb detector. The two $P_c$ states locate just below the $\bar{D}\Sigma^*_c$ and $\bar{D}^*\Sigma_c$ thresholds with mass of gaps about 5 and 15 MeV, respectively. Inspired by this fact we perform a dynamical investigation about the $\bar{D}\Sigma_c^*(2520)$ and...
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
(INFN Genova)
7/27/16, 2:15 PM
In the hadron spectroscopy in the heavy quark region, new symmetry plays an important role. The symmetry is the heavy quark spin symmetry. It manifests the mass degeneracy of the states with different total spin, e.g. degeneracies of $D$ and $D^\ast$ mesons and $\Sigma_c$ and $\Sigma^\ast_c$ baryons. It is important to generate the exotic hadron structures found in the heavy quark region. The...
Kazuhiro Tanaka
(Juntendo University)
7/27/16, 2:15 PM
Exclusive Drell-Yan process, \pi^- p \to \mu^+ \mu^- n, may be measured using the high-intensity pion beams at J-PARC, and its QCD description is complementary to that for the deeply virtual meson production, \gamma^* p \to \pi N, at e.g., JLAB. The leading hard exclusive amplitude for exclusive Drell-Yan process was obtained by E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, and B. Pire [Phys. Lett. B523 (2001) 265]...
Robert Pisarski
(Nuclear Theory Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
7/27/16, 2:15 PM
We consider how tetraquarks can affect the chiral phase transition for light quarks coupled to SU(3) color. For two flavors the tetraquark field is an isosinglet, and its effect is minimal. For three flavors, however, the tetraquark field transforms in the same representation of chiral symmetry as the usual chiral order parameter, and so for very light quarks there may be {\it two} chiral...
Xiao-Hai LIU
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
7/27/16, 2:45 PM
The LHCb collaborations recently reported the observations of two resonance-like structures, which could be the long-searching-for pentaquark states. When studying these heavy pentaquark candidates, usually one will confront two issues, i.e., what their underlying structures are and how to search for them in experiments. We indicated that these resonance-like peaks may be resulted from some...
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
7/27/16, 2:50 PM
Spin correlations for the $\Lambda \Lambda$ and $\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$ pairs, generated in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, and related angular correlations at the joint registration of space-parity nonconserving hadronic decays of two hyperons are theoretically analyzed. These correlations give important information about the character and mechanism of multiple processes, and the advantage...
Takahiro Sawada
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
7/27/16, 2:50 PM
Since the winter of 2014, COMPASS collaboration at CERN have performed a series of Drell-Yan experiments using a high-intensity negative hadron beam with momentum 190-GeV/c impinging on a transversely polarised ammonia target and unpolarised aluminum and tungsten targets. The experiment provides the first-ever polarized Drell-Yan data, as well as greatly improved statistics for the unpolarised...
Feng-Kun Guo
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)
7/27/16, 3:15 PM
We want to discuss the Pc(4450) structure observed by the LHCb Collaboration in the J/psi proton final states. We want to point out that it is located exactly at the chi_{c1}-proton threshold, and coincides with the leading Landau singularity of the triangle loop Lambda(1890)-chi_{c1}-proton. We also discuss how to distinguish a genuine resonance from the kinematical singularity.
Hideo Suganuma
(Kyoto Univ.)
7/27/16, 3:20 PM
Large N_c QCD in 1+3 dimensional spacetime can be converted into its holographic dual model via gauge/gravity correspondence (called the Sakai-Sugimoto model or holographic QCD)[1]. This QCD-based model well reproduces the mass spectrum of mesons, and also explains many properties of hadron phenomenology such as anomalies, the vector meson dominance, and the Skryme model. In this paper, we...
Dong-Jing Yang
(National Taiwan Normal University)
7/27/16, 3:20 PM
We derive gluon fragmentation functions in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model by approximating a gluon as a fictitious color-octet quark-anti-quark ($q\bar q$) pair. Gluon elementary fragmentation functions are derived from the quark and anti-quark elementary fragmentation functions for emitting specific mesons in the NJL model under the requirement that the $q\bar q$ pair maintains in the...
Kohei Matsumoto
(Kyoto University)
7/27/16, 3:50 PM
We investigate the H-dibaryon (uuddss) in holographic QCD [1, 2]. Holographic QCD is derived from a QCD-equivalent D-brane system in the superstring theory via the gauge/gravity correspondence. In holographic QCD, all baryons appear as topological chiral solitons of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and (axial) vector mesons [1, 2]. In this framework, the H-dibaryon can be described as an SO(3)-type...
Kei Nagai
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
7/27/16, 3:50 PM
The amount of u-bar and that of d-bar in the proton were assumed to be the same based on the flavor symmetry. However, the NMC experiment at CERN found, by deep inelastic muon scattering, that d-bar is dominant in the proton. The previous Drell-Yan experiment at Fermilab (E866) measured the ratio of d-bar to u-bar, namely flavor asymmetry, and showed that d-bar/u-bar is as asymmetric as 1.7 at...
Bing-Song Zou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7/28/16, 9:55 AM
Observation of two hidden-charm pentaquark-like structures was reported by the LHCb Collaboration. Predictions and post-explanations of them will be reviewed. Further exploration of them and their partners will be discussed.
Stephan Paul
(TU Munchen)
7/28/16, 11:40 AM
The COMPASS spectroscopy program mostly foots on the use of hadron beams. Large data samples on diffractive production using incoming pions and kaons allow new insights into the spectrum of light and strange mesons. Large data samples also require the development of new analysis methods and close cooperation with phenomenologists. We present new results on the light meson spectrum obtained...
Qiang Zhao
7/28/16, 12:20 PM
Pawel Moskal
(Jagiellonian University)
7/29/16, 9:15 AM
Detector system WASA-at-COSY has been operated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in the years from 2006 till 2015. In this presentation we will report on recent results of the analyses of the meson production reactions in deuteron-deuteron and nucleon-nucleon collisions with spin-polarized and unpolarized beams, as well as results of analyses of hadronic and leptonic decays of ground state...
Hideko Nagahiro
(Nara Women's University)
7/29/16, 9:55 AM
In this talk, we shed light upon the mass of the eta' in nuclear matter in the context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry, pointing out that the U_A(1) anomaly effects causes the mass difference of eta'-eta necessarily through the chiral symmetry breaking. As a consequence, the mass of the eta' is expected to be reduced by order of 100 MeV in nuclear matter. We propose several reactions...
Reinhard Schumacher
(Carnegie Mellon University)
7/29/16, 11:40 AM
Knowing the structure of excited baryons is an important gateway to probing non-perturbative QCD. The CLAS system at Jefferson Lab has delivered a wealth of precise photo- and electro-production information about light-quark baryon structure. Examples from photoproduction of strange baryons that lead to insight about the non-strange N* spectrum will be discussed. Examples from...
Abhay Deshpande
(Stony Brook University)
7/29/16, 2:15 PM
The Electron Ion Collider was recently accepted by the US Nuclear Science community as their high priority new facility to be built after the completion of FRIB (currently being built at the Michigan State University). The principle physics program of the EIC is aimed at understanding the role of gluons in QCD: structure and dynamics of partons in nucleons and nuclei. This program can be...
Takahiro Nishi
(RIKEN Nishina center)
7/29/16, 2:15 PM
We report our recent experiment of the pionic 121, 116Sn atom using missing-mass spectroscopy of the 122, 117Sn(d, 3He) reaction near the charged pion emission threshold. An established approach for quantitative evaluation of the chiral symmetry breaking in finite density is study of pion-nucleus interaction through the experimental measurement of pionic atoms. So far the 1s pionic states in...
Yuji Kato
(KMI, Nagoya University)
7/29/16, 2:15 PM
The Charmed baryon is a unique system, considered as a bound state of a charm quark and a light di-quark due to the suppression of the color spin interaction of the heavy charm quark. Belle experiment has led the charmed baryon spectroscopy with the world highest integrated luminosity $e^+e^-$ collision data provided by KEKB accelerator. In this talk, we present the latest results on charmed...
Yuni Watanabe
(University of Tokyo)
7/29/16, 2:45 PM
Spectroscopy of pionic atoms enables us to investigate partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite density.It is theoretically known that the isovector potential parameter of parameter of the pion-nucleus interaction is related to the chiral condensate.Past experiments with the (d,3He) reaction at GSI showed an evidence of partial restoration of chiral symmetry. For the further study of...
Yi Fang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
7/29/16, 2:50 PM
The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) accumulated the world's largest e+e- collision samples at 3.773 and 4.009 GeV. In this talk, we will report the recent results on charm decays, including semi-leptonic decays, determination of CKM elements |Vcs(d)|, Dalitz plot decays of Ksπ+π0,KsK+K-.
Igor Danilkin
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
7/29/16, 2:50 PM
I will focus my talk on our recent studies of three-body final state interactions [*]. We considered the decays eta/ω/φ → 3π in the dispersive frameworks that are based on the main constraints of the S-matrix theory, namely unitarity, analyticity, and crossing symmetry. Our results indicated that the final state interactions may be sizable. In my talk, the Dalitz plot distributions and...
Natsumi Ikeno
(Tottori University)
7/29/16, 3:15 PM
We study theoretically the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms to deduce precisely the pion properties in nuclei from the observables. It is important to know the pion properties in nuclei since they are believed to provide valuable information on the aspects of the symmetry of strong interaction at finite density. In this presentation, we show the theoretical formation spectra of deeply...
Marcin Chrzaszcz
(University of Zurich/ Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow)
7/29/16, 3:20 PM
Rare electroweak penguin processes provide a rich platform to search for new physics. Some deviations have recently been found between the rate and angular distribution of these processes measured by the LHCb experiment and theoretical predictions. In addition, LHCb has seen hints of lepton universality breaking in these rare processes. This talk will review these measurements and put them in...
(RCNP, Osaka University)
7/29/16, 3:20 PM
The concept of diquark degrees of freedom is expected to be essential to describe hadrons in the excited states as well as in the ground states. Since the spin-dependent interaction between quarks is inversely proportional to the masses of the quarks, the extraction of a light-qq correlation from baryons with one heavy quark is easier than from those with only light flavors. J-PARC E50...
Fabian Krinner
(Technische Universität München Physik Department E18)
7/29/16, 3:50 PM
The COMPASS experiment at CERN has collected a very large data set of 50 million diffractively produced $\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ events using a $190\,$GeV$/c$ negatively charged hadron beam. The partial-wave analysis (PWA) of these high-precision data reveals previously unseen details. The PWA, which is currently limited by systematic uncertainties, is based on the isobar model, in which...
Liping Gan
(University of North Carolina Wilmington)
7/29/16, 3:50 PM
Light neutral meson decays provide a unique laboratory to probe fundamental QCD symmetries. A comprehensive Primakoff experimental program at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) is aimed at gathering high precision measurements on the two-photon decay widths and the transition form factors at low four-momentum transfer squares of pi0, eta and eta’ via the Primakoff effect. Completed experiments on the...
Victor Kashevarov
(Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
7/29/16, 4:50 PM
New high-precision total and differential cross sections for $\eta$ and $\eta'$ photoproduction on the proton obtained by the A2 Collaboration at the Mainz Microtron are presented. The total cross section for $\eta$ photoproduction demonstrates a cusp at the energy W$\sim$1.9~GeV. Furthermore, we present a new version of the $\eta$MAID model for $\eta$ and $\eta'$ photoproduction. The model...
Atsushi Tokiyasu
(Tohoku Univeristy)
7/29/16, 4:50 PM
The production mechanism of a \Sigma \pi pair from a deuteron target gives us an essential information on the interaction between \Lambda(1405) and nucleon. J-PARC E27 group studied the d(\pi+, K+)X reaction, and reported a large mass shift in the hyperon resonance region. Checking the spectrum using the other reaction is helpful to reveal the source of the large shift. We measured the...
Abner Soffer
(Tel Aviv University)
7/29/16, 4:50 PM
We study the reaction e+ e− -> gamma_ISR J/psi, where J/psi -> pi+ pi- pi0, J/psi -> K+ K- pi0, and KS K+ pi- using events obtained from the Initial State Radiation process. We measure the relative J/psi branching fraction and perform a Dalitz plot analysis of both J/psi decay modes using an isobar and a Veneziano model. We present also an analysis of the process gamma gamma -> K anti-K pi. We...
Ashot Gasparian
(North Carolina A&T State University)
7/29/16, 4:50 PM
The proton charge radius (Rp) is one of the most fundamental quantities in physics. Precision knowledge of its value is critically important for both nuclear and atomic physics – especially for the spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen. Recent high precision measurements of Rp using the muonic hydrogen atom demonstrated up to eight standard deviation smaller value than the accepted average from all...
Harleen Dahiya
(Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar)
7/29/16, 5:20 PM
Octet Baryon Quark Flavor Distribution Functions We investigate the quark flavor distribution functions of the octet baryons. In particular, the valence and sea quark flavor distribution functions of the scalar density matrix elements of octet baryons have been computed explicitly. The implications of chiral symmetry breaking and SU(3) symmetry breaking have been discussed in detail for the...
Youngjoon Kwon
(Yonsei University)
7/29/16, 5:20 PM
Belle experiment at KEKB $e^+e^-$ collider accumulated data at the energy points around $¥Upsilon(10860)$ and $¥Upsilon(11020)$ as well as at $¥Upsilon(nS)$ $(n=1,2,3)$ resonances. These datasets provide an ideal place to perform bottomonium spectroscopy and search for exotic hadron states in bottomonia decays. In this talk, recent Belle results in the spectroscopy of bottomonium(-like)...
Takatsugu Ishikawa
(Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University)
7/29/16, 5:50 PM
A new $\eta$ photoproduction experiment is planned for the determination of the $\eta$-$n$ low-energy scattering parameters at the Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH), Tohoku University. The emitted proton is measured at 0 degrees for the $\gamma d\to p eta n$ reaction at $E_\gamma \sim 0.9$ GeV, which gives the zero relative momentum between the $\eta$ meson and the neutron....
Kenta Miyahara
(Kyoto university)
7/29/16, 5:50 PM
Aiming at quantitative studies of Kbar nuclei, we construct the reliable KbarN local potential. Based on the chiral coupled-channel approach, the chiral unitary approach, we establish a new construction method which respects the behavior of the scattering amplitude in the complex energy plane. This method is employed to the recent experimental data of the energy shift of the kaonic hydrogen by...
Bingxin Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
7/29/16, 5:50 PM
The momentum transfer dependence of the electromagnetic form factors is an important probe of the structure of hadrons at different scales. Using data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we study the process of e+e- -> p bar{p} at 12 center-of-mass energies from 2232.4 to 3671.0 MeV. The Born cross section at these energy points are measured as well as the...
(IFIC - Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC and University of Valencia))
7/29/16, 5:50 PM
We study the presence of the the D*s0(2317) resonance in the weak decay process: Bc->J/psi KD. We assume a weak interaction mechanism in which the b quark decays into a c anti-c (J/psi) and anti-s via a W meson. In this process the c anti-s pair hadronizes and the possible final configurations considered are KD and eta Ds. We compute the interaction of these two meson channels in the chiral...
Takashi Ezoe
(RCNP, Osaka university)
7/29/16, 6:20 PM
We study the $¥bar{K}N$ system in the Skyrme model in a method based on the bound state approach of Callan-Klebanov but with the kaon around the physical nucleon of the rotating hedgehog. This corresponds to the variation after projection which is opposite to the variation before projection. The new method is considered to be more suited to the study of the weakly interacting $¥bar{K} N$...
Ankita Goswami
(Indian Institute of Technology Indore)
7/29/16, 6:20 PM
We present a study of the Dalitz decay η → γe + e − . The aim is to determine the transition form factor of the η meson. The transition form factor describes the electromagnetic structure of the meson. The transition form factor is determined by comparing the experimental e + e − invariant mass distribution with QED. The analysis uses proton-proton reaction at 1.4 GeV.The data has been...
Hsiang-nan Li
(Academia Sinica)
7/29/16, 6:20 PM
We propose a new definition of a transverse-momentum-dependent wave function with simpler soft subtraction. The un-subtracted wave function involves two pieces of non-light-like Wilson links oriented in different directions, so that the rapidity singularity appearing in usual $k_T$ factorization is regularized, and the pinched singularity from Wilson-link self-energy corrections is alleviated...
Zheng Cao
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7/29/16, 6:20 PM
The E1 transitions of ψ(3686) and ψ(3770) → γχ_cJ are investigated in a non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT) where the open charm effects are included systematically as the leading corrections. It also allows a self-consistent inclusion of the S-D mixing in the same framework. It shows that the open charm contributions are essential for understanding the significant deviations of...
Peter Kroll
(Universitaet Wuppertal)
7/30/16, 9:55 AM
After a brief introduction in the handbag approach, generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and hard subprocesses deeply virtual leptoproduction of pions will be discussed in some detail. It will be shown that a leading-twist analysis of this process fails drastically. A successful interpretation of the experimental data on pion production is however achieved by treating the pion-pole...
Marco Contalbrigo
(INFN Ferrara)
7/30/16, 11:00 AM
The investigation of the partonic degrees of freedom beyond collinear approximation and towards a 3D description of the hadron structure in the momentum space has been gained increasing interest in the last decade. In the recent years, several first measurements has been made which provide new insights on the parton dynamics within the nucleon or during fragmentation, e.g. related to orbital...
Rik Yoshida
(Jefferson Lab)
7/30/16, 12:20 PM
Our understanding of the theory of strong interaction, quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), has advanced enormously in the past decades. Both experimentally and theoretically, perturbative regime in QCD has been explored and understood at precision. At the same time, lattice QCD calculations have begun to yield many quantitative results on properties of hadrons. The experimental understanding of how...
Dmitri Liventsev
7/30/16, 2:55 PM
The Belle experiment was successfully running in KEK, Tsukuba, Japan until 2010. Now the detector is being upgraded and should start its operation in 2018. The talk is about the detector, SuperKEKB accelerator and physics at the Belle II experiment.
Johan Messchendorp
(KVI-CART/University of Groningen)
7/30/16, 3:35 PM
The physics of strong interactions is undoubtedly one of the most challenging areas of modern science. Quantum Chromo Dynamics is reproducing the physics phenomena only at distances much shorter than the size of the nucleon, where perturbation theory can be used yielding results of high precision and predictive power. At larger distance scales, however, perturbative methods cannot be applied...
Hiroyuki Noumi
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University)
7/30/16, 4:40 PM
The Hadron Experimental Facility (HEF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) provides the world highest intensity hadron beams, such as kaons, pions, and so on, for various experimental researches in particle and nuclear physics. Currently, HEF operates two charged and one neutral secondary beam lines, K1.8, K1.1, and K0, sharing secondary beams produced at a primary...