Dec 5 – 7, 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone

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We had 143 participants.

7 years of MAXI : monitoring X-ray transients

5-7 December,2016
Suzuki Umetaro Hall, RIKEN
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
RIKEN symposium



17 X-ray Novae in 6 years by MAXI

This workshop will be held to celebrate the successful 7 years of observation with Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI), a Japanese astrophysics payload on the International Space Station. Since the launch in 2009, MAXI has been monitoring the variable X-ray sky, and has discovered 17 new X-ray sources.
Often with a help of multi-wavelength follow-up observations, one of them has been identified with the nuclear ignition of a massive nova, 6 with black-hole binaries, and 5 with those involving neutron stars.
Nevertheless, 4 of them remain unidentified, and are considered to form a potentially new class of short soft transients. MAXI is also leading the time-domain astronomy, with its capability to issue alerts which triggers prompt follow-up observations in the optical and other wavelengths.
So far, MAXI has detected about a hundred gamma-ray bursts, and performing unbiased watch for stellar flares. In addition, long-term X-ray variations of about a hundred of sources are continuously tracked with MAXI.
This has enabled a variety of new astrophysics that cannot be achieved by snapshot observations. The recent detections of the gravitation wave events have significantly increased the importance of MAXI as a currently operating all-sky monitor, and as a member of multi-messenger astronomy which covers electromagnetic waves, neutrinos, and gravitational waves.
In this symposium, the MAXI results obtained during the 7 years are reviewed, with a session assigned to those from Hitomi. The symposium also covers new prospects in the time-domain astronomy, to be developed with future X-ray missions/instruments.

- MAXI transients 
- Stellar Mass BH 
- AGN 
- Low Mass X-ray Binaries 
- Superbursts 
- Binary X-ray Pulsars 
- Stellar Flares 
- Hitomi Results 
- GRB 
- Gravitational Wave Sources 

Confirmed speakers 
- Paul Biswajit (Raman Research Institute, India) 
- Chris Done (University of Durham, UK) 
- Ken Ebisawa (ISAS, Japan) 
- Jean in 't Zand (SRON, Netherlands)
- Peter Jenke (UAH/CSPAR, USA) 
- Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Tech., Japan) 
- Taiki Kawamuro (Kyoto univ., Japan) 
- Jamie Kennea (Pennsylvania State Univ., USA) 
- Alex Markowitz (UC, San Diego, USA) 
- Tatehiro Mihara (RIKEN, Japan) 
- Motoki Nakajima (Nihon dent. col., Japan) 
- Hitoshi Negoro (Nihon Univ., Japan) 
- Jerome Rodroguez (CEA Saclay, France) 
- Leo Singer (GSFC/NASA, USA) 
- Takanori Sakamoto (Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Japan)
- Motoko Serino (RIKEN, Japan) 
- Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
- Mutsumi Sugizaki (RIKEN, Japan) 
- Hiromitsu Takahashi (Hiroshima Univ., Japan) 
- Yohko Tsuboi (Chuo Univ., Japan) 
- Hiroshi Tsunemi (Osaka Univ., Japan) 
- Alexander van der Horst (George Washington Univ., USA)
- Weimin Yuan (National astronomical observatory, China) 
- Shuangnan Zhang (High energy research institute, China) 

This symposium is supported by RIKEN through the RIKEN Symposium scheme,
and by the Society for Promotion of Space Science (宇宙科学振興会) through 
the program for supporting international symposia (国際会議開催支援プログラム).

Suzuki Umetaro Hall
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan