25–30 Jul 2016
Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Study of the d(γ, K+)ΣπN reaction at LEPS

29 Jul 2016, 16:50
2F Hall I (Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University)

2F Hall I

Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University

Board: 29-mni-6-1


Atsushi Tokiyasu (Tohoku Univeristy)


The production mechanism of a \Sigma \pi pair from a deuteron target gives us an essential information on the interaction between \Lambda(1405) and nucleon. J-PARC E27 group studied the d(\pi+, K+)X reaction, and reported a large mass shift in the hyperon resonance region. Checking the spectrum using the other reaction is helpful to reveal the source of the large shift. We measured the d(gamma, K+)\Sigma \pi reaction using the \gamma beam with the energy of 1.5 -- 2.4 GeV at LEPS, and investigated the shape of the invariant mass spectrum of \Sigma \pi. We applied a Fermi motion correction technique, and compared the spectrum of \Sigma \pi from a deuterium target with the one of a hydrogen target data. Our results can be interpreted with the quasi-free reactions, and the large mass shift in the hyperon resonance region which was seen in d(\pi+, K+)X reaction was not observed. The quantitative evaluation against to the large mass shift was performed using a statistical method. The details of the analysis and the results are reported in this contribution.

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