
Dr. Kazunori Itakura, "Basics of Pomerons and Reggeons" (Radiation Lab. Seminar)

by Dr Kazunori Itakura (KEK)

Seminar Room 224/226 (Main Research Building)

Seminar Room 224/226

Main Research Building

abstract: Theoretical formulation of hadron-hadron scattering at high energy has a long history. Even before the advent of QCD, it was formulated as the Regge theory which is a mathematical description of the scattering matrix (S-matrix) based on analyticity and symmetries. I will explain the basics of the Regge theory and introduce the Reggeons and Pomerons which govern the high-energy behaviors of the S-matrices. These are phenomenological description of the scattering amplitude in the soft regime (when the momentum transfer is small enough). I will also discuss the hard Pomeron which is based on QCD and is thought to describe the scattering amplitude in the hard regime (when the momentum transfer is larger than Lambda-QCD).