Takuma Matsumoto
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Breakup reactions have played key roles in investigating properties of
unstable nuclei. One of the most reliable methods for treating
projectile breakup processes is the method of continuum-discretized
coupled channels (CDCC). CDCC has successfully been applied to analyses
of three-body breakup system, in which the projectile breaks up into
two constituents. Recently, we have developed CDCC to treating four-body
breakup reactions with three-body projectile. Thus CDCC is very useful
for systematic analyses of scattering including light unstable nuclei,
which have exotic properties such as the halo structure and the island
of inversion.
In this talk, I will report results of analyses for 11Be, 15C, and 6He
breakup reactions with nuclear and Coulomb interactions, and discuss for
those structure properties and reaction mechanisms.