10–12 Apr 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Coulomb and quantum bubbles in heavy nuclei

12 Apr 2019, 11:45


daisuke suzuki


This is a letter of intent to study the proton shell structure near Z = 82 in the forthcoming Miniball campaign at the RIBF. The depletion of the central proton density, which characterizes the so-called bubble structure, is expected to arise from two different mechanisms. One is for a given atomic nucleus to minimize its Coulomb energy and the other to optimize the nuclear shell energy. While the shell evolution generates the bubble structure, for instance, in neutron-rich 34Si, the repulsive Coulomb potential is increasingly important to form bubbles in heavier nuclei. The two mechanisms are predicted to cross over in the region near Z = 82. The proton structure will be studied via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy.

Primary author

daisuke suzuki

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