10–12 Apr 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Neutron single-particle structure above N=50 towards 78Ni

11 Apr 2019, 14:00


Freddy Flavigny (IPN Orsay)


We propose to perform the spectroscopy of N=51 isotones of 83Ge and 81Zn. The goal is to use the selectivity of neutron knockout from 84Ge and 82Zn to characterize the evolution of the ν(s1/2-d5/2) energy splitting and to identify for the first time (2p-1h) intruder state (ν(g9/2)-1(sd)+2 ) possible signature of shape coexistence above N=50 close to 78Ni. Such a study is uniquely possible at the RIBF due to the exoticity of the beams involved and high-resolution gamma spectroscopy is crucial due to the proximity in energy of the populated states in odd-even products

Primary author

Freddy Flavigny (IPN Orsay)

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