9:30 AM
Susumu Shimoura
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
9:35 AM
OEDO status report & development
Shin'ichiro MICHIMASA
(CNS, Univ. of Tokyo)
10:05 AM
Range analysis of IC. and new optics of energy compcation mode
Toshiyuki Sumikama
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
10:35 AM
preparation status of NP1812-SHARAQ12R1
Kathrin Wimmer
(The University of Tokyo)
daisuke suzuki
11:05 AM
Development of the Ti-3H target (TBA)
Kenjiro Miki
(Tohoku University)
1:00 PM
Status report of ImPACT17-02-02
Nobuaki IMAI
(CNS, Univ. of Tokyo)
1:30 PM
Status report of ImPACT17-02-01
Masanori Dozono
(Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo)
2:00 PM
Study of octupole deformation at OEDO
Jongwon Hwang
(Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo)
2:30 PM
Pair transfer to probe the quantum phase transition in neutron-rich zirconium
Didier Beaumel
(IPN Orsay / RIKEN Nishina center)
3:20 PM
proposal of the surrogate reaction of 130Sn(n,g)
Nobuaki IMAI
(CNS, Univ. of Tokyo)
3:50 PM
Study of r-process flow around A=130 using (d,p) reactions in inverse kinematics
Naohito Iwasa
(Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
4:20 PM
Study of 57Ni(n.p) via a surrogate reaction
Benoit Mauss
5:05 PM
rp-process study at OEDO
daisuke suzuki
5:35 PM
Constraining the 59Fe(n,g)60Fe reaction cross section using the 59Fe(d,p)60Fe transfer reaction
Bingshui Gao
(Institute of Modern Physics)
6:05 PM