Opening Remark(開会の挨拶)
Yasumasa Takenaka (Chairman of RIKEN Scientists' Assembly Steering Committee (RSASC))
竹中 康将(理研 研究員会議幹事会 代表幹事) -
General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2019 (in Japanese) 令和元年度 研究員会議総会
「令和元年度 研究員会議総会」
研究員会議総会は研究系職員(研究員会議会員)のための公式行事であり、更なる研究の発展と推進を目的として行われます。研究員会議の会員の皆様には、以下のURLより「令和元年度 研究員会議総会」への出席/書面出席のご登録を2月14日(金)までにお願い申し上げます。 総会の成立には会員の2分の1以上の出席(書面出席を含む)が必要ですので、ご協力をお願いいたします。
Web Page:
https://air-sso.intra.riken.jp/fw/dfw/sv1/app_form/kanjikai/gm2019/top.php?lang=j"General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2019"
The aim of the RSA is to socialize researchers in different fields, to improve the research environment, and to resolve problems that researchers in RIKEN are facing. Please register your attendance or absence for "General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly (RSA) for FY2019" by Friday, Feb. 14th from the URL below. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated since a quorum for the General Meeting requires attendance by at least fifty percent of the RSA membership.
Web Page:
https://air-sso.intra.riken.jp/fw/dfw/sv1/app_form/kanjikai/gm2019/top.php?lang=e -
Invited Talk(招待講演)
Dr.Hidetada Baba (Deputy Chairman, RSASC)
馬場 秀忠 (理研 研究員会議幹事会 副代表幹事)1. Imaging Supermassive Blackhole with the Event Horizon Telescope
Dr. Shiro Ikeda (Professor, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
(池田思朗 統計数理研究所 教授)Web Page:
https://www.ism.ac.jp/~shiro/ -
Special Talks(特別講演)
Dr. Tomohiro Hiraishi (Deputy Chairman, RSASC)
平石 知裕 (理研 研究員会議幹事会 副代表幹事)1.「一般社団法人日本科学機器協会の紹介と活動内容」
Mr. Hideto Yazawa (President, Japan Scientific Instruments Association/ Chairman, Dalton Corporation)
矢澤 英人(一般社団法人日本科学機器協会 会長/株式会社ダルトン 取締役会長)
※ in Japanese(注:講演は日本語になります。)2.「私達と一緒に環境と安全を考えてみませんか? −NPO法人 REHSE(レーゼ)の取組み紹介−」
Mr. Shinji Sonohara (Executive Director, Research for Environment, Health and Safety Education/ Managing Director, Dalton Corporation)
春原 伸次(NPO法人研究実験施設・環境安全教育研究会 理事/株式会社ダルトン 取締役常務執行役員)
※ in Japanese(注:講演は日本語になります。)Web Page:
http://rehse2007.com -
V.S.O.P.s(口頭発表 in English)
"General (Student)"
1.PRMT5 role in Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) infectivity
Ms. Wlaa Assi
Student Trainee
Photonics Control Technology team, RAP"General (Researcher)"
2.Nonlinear variation of damping constant with electric field in ultrathin ferromagnetic films
Dr. Bivas Rana
Research Scientist
Quantum Nanoscale Magnetism Laboratory, CEMS3.Cognitive Assessment Estimation from Behavioral Responses in Emotional Faces Evaluation Task - AI Regression Approach for Dementia Onset Prediction in Aging Societies
Dr. Tomasz Maciej Rutkowski
Research Scientist
Cognitive Behavioral Assistive Technology Team, AIP4.Integrative omics approaches revealed a crosstalk among phytohormones during
tuberous root development in tropical crop "cassava"
Dr. Yoshinori Utsumi
Research Scientist
Plant Genomic Network Research Team, CSRS"FY2017 Research Reporting Session for Innovative Research Grants"
5.Development of an intense pulsed mid-infrared laser for precision measurement of the muonic hydrogen hyperfine splitting
Dr. Sohtaro Kanda
Special Postdoctoral Researcher
Meson Science Laboratory, CPR6.Single Molecules Proteomics by Electrophoretic Manipulation and Observation in a Micro/Nanochannel
Dr. Takayuki Kawai
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Single Cell Mass Spectrometry, BDR"The Activity Report of the "Collaboration Seed Fund"
7.Bridging intracellular oxidant levels and cellular morphology
Dr. Fumiko Kawasaki
Research Scientist
Medical Image Analysis Team, AIP8.Communication for Collaboration: An Experimental Workshop
Dr. Amanda Alvarez
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Molecular Dynamics of Mental Disorders, CBS -
Poster Presentations(ポスター発表)
45 Posters.
You can get the this workshop programs in this web site. -
The 21st Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening(第21回 異分野交流の夕べ)
Free food and drinks (sponsored by RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society)
Live Performance by CPR Band
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