1. 理研訪問前に本人もしくは同居家族等に新型コロナウイルスの感染が疑われる方がいる場合は、訪問を中止して下さい。
2. 新型コロナウイルス感染症かは不明だが何らかの体調不良があった場合(平熱より概ね1度以上の発熱、咳、咽頭痛、全身倦怠感、味覚・嗅覚異常、下痢等) 、発症後(発症日を0日)8日以上経過してなければ、訪問を中止して下さい。
3. 当日受付時の体温測定、会場でのマスク着用と手指消毒等ご協力ください。
4. 接触確認アプリ COCOA のインストールをお願いします。
保健所の案内: 朝霞保健所 : 048-461-0468
351-0016 朝霞市青葉台 1-10-5
When visiting RIKEN Wako Campus, please take following precautions to ensure your health condition against COVID-19.
1) You are not allowed to enter RIKEN if you, your family members or roommates are suspected of being infected with COVID-19.
2) If you have been feeling unwell before visiting RIKEN, even if not certain whether COVID-19 related or not, (a mild fever generally 1°C or more above normal, cough, sore throat, general malaise, taste/smell abnormalities, diarrhea, etc.) you are not allowed to enter RIKEN until 8 or more days since the onset of the symptoms(with onset as Day 0).
3) Please take your temperature at the registration desk on the day of the visit, and wear a mask and hand sanitizer at the venue.
4) Please install the contact confirmation application COCOA.
If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms of ill health during the conference, please contact the chairperson of the workshop committee (Hideaki Otsu) as soon as possible.
Guide to Public Health Center : Asaka Public Health Center : +81-48-461-0468
1-10-5, Aobadai, Asaka-shi, Saitama 351-0016.