Opening Remark(開会の挨拶)
Masafumi Jo ,Chairman of RIKEN Scientists' Assembly Steering Committee (RSASC)
定 昌史(理研 研究員会議幹事会 代表幹事) -
Talk Session (2019年度理研栄峰受賞者講演)
Kenta Itahashi (CPR, Meson Science Laboratory)
板橋 健太(開拓研究本部・岩崎中間子科学研究室)
「パイ中間子スズ原子の高分解能質量欠損分光研究」Chikashi Terao (IMS, Laboratory for Statistical and Translational Genetics)
寺尾 知可史(生命医科学研究センター・ゲノム解析応用研究チーム)
「臨床応用を見据えた免疫疾患と後天的Y染色体欠失の遺伝疫学的解析」Zhaomin Hou (CSRS, Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory)
侯 召民(環境資源科学研究センター・侯有機金属化学研究室)
「自己修復性および形状記憶特性を示す新規機能性ポリマーの開発」Tetsuo Hanaguri (CEMS, Emergent Phenomena Measurement Research Team)
花栗 哲郎(創発物性科学研究センター・創発物性計測研究チーム)
「分光イメージング走査型トンネル顕微鏡で見る創発現象」Hideo Yokota (RAP, Image Processing Research Team)
横田 秀夫(光量子工学研究センター・画像情報処理研究チーム)
「AIによる内視鏡画像からの早期胃がん領域の高精度自動検出法の研究開発」 -
Poster Presentations(ポスター発表)
Lin Gu (AIP)
Artificial Intelligence for Real World ChallengeEriko Matsuura (CPR, RNA system biochemistry)
METTL18-mediated histidine methylation on ribosome protein modulates translationMasashi Mori (BDR, Laboratory of chromosome segregation)
Toward molecular understanding of age-related aneuploidy in eggsHiro Nakamura (BDR, Lab for Protein Functional and Structural Biology)
Heme toxicity and its detoxification by an ABC-type efflux pump in Gram-positive bacteriaMorihiro Okada (BDR, Laboratory for Homeodynamics)
A role of metabolic reprogramming of non-cancer tissues in cancer-induced organismal deathKenward Vong (CPR, Biofunctional Synthetic Chemistry Lab)
Selective cell tagging (SeCT) therapy: Disrupting cancer cell adhesion via integrin inhibitionZheng Wang (IMS,Lab. Bone & Joint Diseases)
A phenotyping-based disease gene discovery in Congenital ScoliosisYingying Xu (AIP, Mathematical Statistical team)
Finite size scaling property of random matrix and application to ultra high-dimensional graph learningHao Zhang (BDR,Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design)
Implementing a Comprehensive Networks-on-Chip Generator with Optimal ConfigurationsM. Ajmal Khan (CPR, Quantum Optodevice Laboratory)
Pure AlGaN UVB LEDs Achieving 9.6% Efficiency at 304nm Emission by Exceeding the limit of hole injection and Reflectivity -
Poster Q&A Sessions(個別交流会) and The CPR Band session
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