4:00 PM
Activity report of CRIB
Seiya Hayakawa
(Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)
4:20 PM
New nuclear masses, recent and present developments, and future opportunities of the MRTOF-MS at the ZeroDegree spectrometer
Marco Rosenbusch
(RIKEN Nishina Center of Accelerator-Based Science)
4:40 PM
Nuclear physics of r-process nucleosynthesis: expectations for future (RIBF) experiments
Nobuya Nishimura
5:00 PM
Direct mass measurement of proton-rich Fe isotopes
Shutaro Hanai
(CNS, the University of Tokyo)
5:20 PM
Recent Studies on Heavy-Isotope Nucleosynthesis Using (d,p) Transfer Reactions at OEDO-SHARAQ
Thomas Chillery
(UTokyo, CNS)
5:40 PM
Present status of the SCRIT electron scattering facility
Tetsuya Ohnishi