Christoph Hinke
(Physik Department E12 TU Muenchen, Germany)
The investigation of the shell structure far from the valley of stability
is a major task in modern nuclear structure physics, especially close to the drip lines. By fragmentation of a 1.0 A GeV 124Xe beam from the GSI accelerators 100Sn and neighbouring nuclei have been produced, separated in the FRS and identified by multiple deltaE, Brho and ToF measurements. The nuclei were stopped in an implantation detector with high spatial resolution in order to correlate implantations with succeeding decays. The device was surrounded by the "Stopped Beam Rising" array of 15x7 Ge-detectors in close geometry. In this
configuration the setup enabled us to do nearly 4Pi spectroscopy of the emitted gamma and particle decay radiation. With a photo peak efficiency of about 10% (E=1MeV) for gamma ray detection and nearly 100% for full energy detection of decay particles up to 5MeV, this high resolution setup allowed for a maximum use of the secondary beam. The presentation will focus on the decay spectroscopy of the doubly magic nucleus 100Sn which decays by a super Gamow Teller spin flip transition populating mostly a single final state
in the daughter nucleus. New and more precise values of the half life, the beta
endpoint energy and the Gamow Teller strength in the decay of 100Sn have been
determined in order to address the question of the Gamow Teller quenching in
100Sn. First insight into the nuclear structure of excited states in 100In was
obtained from beta-coincident gamma ray spectroscopy. Also new results
concerning the particle stability of exotic nuclei in the vicinity of 100Sn will be presented. Isomer spectroscopy in these nuclei will be discussed with a focus on the first observation of the 6+ to 4+ transition from the already known 102Sn isomer.
Primary author
Christoph Hinke
(Physik Department E12 TU Muenchen, Germany)