Hiroyoshi Sakurai
(RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science)
23/05/2011, 10:10
Toshiyuki Kubo
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
23/05/2011, 10:30
Pieter Doornenbal
Shunji Nishimura
23/05/2011, 10:50
Kenta Yoshinaga
(Tokyo University of Science)
23/05/2011, 11:10
A drastic shape evolution is predicted in neutron-rich nuclei around A=110 [1].
For the Zr isotopes, a deformation may reach a maximum by a deformed shell-closure.
Energies of low-lying states which are known up to N=64 show the increase of the deformation from N=60 to 64.
However, the maximization of the deformation has not been observed as a function of neutron numbers.
Furthermore, a...
Christoph Hinke
(Physik Department E12 TU Muenchen, Germany)
23/05/2011, 11:35
The investigation of the shell structure far from the valley of stability
is a major task in modern nuclear structure physics, especially close to the drip lines. By fragmentation of a 1.0 A GeV 124Xe beam from the GSI accelerators 100Sn and neighbouring nuclei have been produced, separated in the FRS and identified by multiple deltaE, Brho and ToF measurements. The nuclei were stopped in an...