First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Akihisa | Kohama | RIKEN Nishina Center |
Akira | Ono | Tohoku University |
Ang | Li | Xiamen University |
Arnaud | Le Fèvre | GSI Darmstadt |
Bergen | Kendziorski | Michigan State University / FRIB |
Betty | Tsang | Michigan State University |
Byungsik | Hong | Korea University |
Chi Kin | Tam | Graudate Student |
Chi-En | Teh | Michigan State University |
Chun Yuen | Tsang | Kent State University |
Curtis | Hunt | Michigan State University (FRIB) |
Daisuke | Suzuki | RIKEN Nishina Center |
Dan | Cozma | IFIN-HH (Bucharest, Romania) |
Hiroyuki | Koura | ASRC, JAEA |
Jeonghyeok | Park | Korea University |
Jerzy | Łukasik | IFJ PAN |
Joseph | M Wieske | Michigan State University |
Jung Woo | Lee | Institute for Basic Science, Korea |
Kohsuke | Sumiyoshi | National Institute of Technology, Numazu College |
Masaaki | Kimura | RIKEN Nishina Center |
Masatoshi | Takano | Waseda University |
Natsumi | Ikeno | Tottori University |
Noritaka | Shimizu | University of Tsukuba |
Paolo | Russotto | INFN-LNS (Italy) |
Pawel | Danielewicz | Michigan State University |
Rohit | Kumar | FRIB, Michigan State University, Michigan |
Shigehiro | Nagataki | RIKEN |
ShinIchi | Esumi | Univ. of Tsukuba |
Suwat | Tangwancharoen | King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi |
Tadaaki | Isobe | RIKEN |
Takafumi | Niida | University of Tsukuba |
Takahito | Todoroki | University of Tsukuba |
Takumi | Muto | Chiba Institute of Technology |
Taras | Lokotko | Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, MSU |
Tomoyuki | Maruyama | College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon university |
William | Lynch | NSCL/FRIB Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Michigan State Univ. |
Yasushi | Nara | Akita International University |
Yijie | Wang | Tsinghua University |
Yuhao | Qin | Tsinghua University |
Yuk Kei | Kong | Nagoya University |
Yusuke | Koshio | Okayama university |
Zbigniew | Chajecki | Western Michigan University |
Zhao-Qing | Feng | South China University of Technology |
Zhi | Qin | Tsinghua University |
Zhigang | Xiao | Tsinghua University |
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