20–22 Oct 2011
<a href="http://www.riken.jp/engn/r-world/riken/campus/wako/index.html">Nishina Hall, RIKEN, Japan</a>
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Access Quick Guide

Train from airport to Wako-shi station

Shuttle Bus from airport to Wako-shi station

From Wako-shi Station to RIKEN

  • Access to RIKEN Wako campus and campus map: Map<wbr></wbr>. See "Layout of Facilities" in this page. The workshop will be held at Nishina Hall in #13 Nishina Bldg (area E-4).
  • Google map for RIKEN Map may also be useful.

Enter to RIKEN Campus

  • When you enter RIKEN, please use the west gate, and get your temporary admission card at the guard station. Please tell the security guard that you are one of the workshop participant. You need the card to enter any buildings in the campus.
    When you go out of RIKEN, please return it at the guard station.