List of invited speakers [tentative]
Topical Overviews
Yuri Litvinov Storage ring physics for RIB and fundamental physics
Henning Schmidt Low-energy storage rings for molecular physics
Hermann Wollnik MRTOF mass spectrometry
Yasunori Yamazaki Experiments with antiprotons
Dietrich Leibfried Ion quantum information processing
Susanne Kreim ISOLTRAP
Ania Kwiatkowski TITAN
Ryan Ringle LEBIT
Jason Clark CPT
Tommi Eronen JYFLTrap
Michael Block SHIPTRAP
Zoran Andelkovic SPECTRAP
Frank Herfurth HITRAP
Szilard Nagy TRIGATRAP
Sergey Eliseev PENTATRAP
YuHu Zhang CSRe
Yoshitaka Yamaguchi Rare-RI Ring at RIKEN/RIBF
M. Wakasugi Self Confining RI ion Target (SCRIT)
Wolfgang Plaß MRTOF at FRS
Robert Wolf MRTOF at ISOLDE
Peter Schury MRTOF at RIKEN
Makoto Fujiwara ALPHA
Naofumi Kuroda ASACUSA
Patrice Perez GBAR
Daniel Comparat AEgIS
Yao Ke Shanghai EBIT
Nobuyuki Nakamura Tokyo EBIT
D. Melconian New correlation Penning trap for fundamental physics at TAMU
Thomas Brunner Paul trap for Ba tagging in double beta decay for EXO
Etienne Lienard Status of LPC-Trap
Sven Sturm Electron Mass
Wilfried Nörtershäuser QED tests at ESR
T. Azuma Molecular physics with electrostatic storage ring
Masaki Hori Two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic Helium and
antiproton-to-electron mass ratio
Stefan Ulmer g-factor of p/pbar in a Penning trap
Oscar Versolato Coulomb crystals in a cryogenic Paul trap for sympathetic
cooling of molecular ions and highly charged ions
M. Sternberg New correlation and beta-delayed neutron in a Paul trap
Lorenz Willman Parity violation measurements in trapped single radium ions
Eric Cornell EDM searches with charged molecules.
T. Chupp+ Muon g-2 experiment at Fermi-lab
Naohito Saito Muon's g-2 experiment at J-PARC
Vladimir M. Shabaev QED calculations in pertubative methods and numerical non
perturbative approaches valid for strong fields
Christian Roos A quantum information processor with trapped ions
Kenji Toyoda Experimental realizaiton of a quantum phase transition of
polaritonic excitaitons
Taehyun Kim Quantum information processing and quantum optics,
Application of Particle Trapping : Quantum Teleportation
+Not yet confirmed
Applications of Particle Trapping
Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries
Ion Traps for Radioactive Nuclei and Highly Charged Ions
Precision Spectroscopy and Frequency Standards
Plasma Effects and Collective Behavior
Quantum and QED Effects
Storage Ring Physics
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