Nov 28 – 29, 2014
Nishina Hall
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Scientific Program

TCP2014 School & E^3 Symposium Program 
November 28th  Friday
9:10 Coffee
9:30 Opening
10:00 Lecture 1 Ulmer, Stefan
Basics of ion traps
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Lecture 2 Thompson, Richard
Optical sideband cooling of an ion to the ground state of its motion in a Penning trap
14:30 Lecture 3 Hayano, Ryugo
Basics of antimatter science
16:30 Coffee
17:00 Facility tour
18:30 Welcome Reception
November 29th Saturday
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Lecture 4 Katori, Hidetoshi
Optical lattice clock for fundamental physics
11:00 Lecture 5 Dzuba, Vladimir
Basics of fundamental physics with stored HCI
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Lecture 6 Litvinov, Yuri
Physics with storage rings
14:30 Coffee
15:00 Lecture 7 Nörtershäuser, Wilfried
Laser spectroscopy of stored ions
17:00 Closing