Jun 13 – 17, 2016
Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Determination of neutrino-mass hierarchy by matter oscillations

Jun 15, 2016, 4:30 PM
1h 30m
Library Hall, Central Library (Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus))

Library Hall, Central Library

Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)

Central Library, Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus), 8050 Ikarashi 2-nocho, Nishi-ku Niigata City, 950-2181, Japan
Board: 3
Poster Presentation Posters


Ms Momoka Mito (Nihon University)


We study neutrino oscillations of atomospheric neutrinos when they go through the earth, which has a dense core and a mantle with less density. Survival probabilities of atomospheric muon neutrinos are calculated within the three-flavor mixing model. Dependence of the probability at the exit surface of the earth on the neutrino energy and zenith angle is investigated. The survival probability is shown to depend sensitively on both the neutrino energy and the zenith angle. We show that the MSW matter enhancement effects are seen in case of normal hierarchy while it is not in case of inverted hierarchy. The effects of finite CP-phase on the matter oscillations are also investigated, and their effects are found to be rather small. It is suggested that the mass hierarchy can be distinguished from the difference of the survaival probabilities at the surface of the earth.

Primary author

Ms Momoka Mito (Nihon University)


Prof. Toshio Suzuki (Nihon University) Ms Yuna Ogata (Nihon University)

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