Jun 13 – 17, 2016
Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The NIC School is intended for graduate students and young scientists for attending 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XIV) which is the most important international symposium in the research field of nuclear astrophysics. The NIC-XIV symposium will be held right after this school. The school will take place at Niigata University, which is about 10 km from the NIC-XIV symposium site, during 13-17 June 2016. The lectures, presented by internationally experts, will cover an area of research in nuclear astrophysics, from theories to experiments.

During the school, short oral presentations by students and post-docs are planned. The poster session will be also planned.

Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)
Library Hall, Central Library
Central Library, Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus), 8050 Ikarashi 2-nocho, Nishi-ku Niigata City, 950-2181, Japan

Timetable is revised: The School Dinner is held on Wednesday. (26/05/2016)
Timetable is available. (14/05/2016)



The registration is CLOSED.
The deadline of the registration is 29 May, 2016.

For participants who finish registration by 13 May, 2016, NIC-School committee can offer accommodation arrangements. See a registration form for the details.

On-line accommodation booking is also available on the NIC-XIV conference website,
please refer to the link below.

venue | 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV

For the registration, you do not need your Indico Account.
Plese visit Registration Form and fill the information! 

Students Support

We can offer partial support (local expenses during the School) to young researchers including students who have difficulties to attend the School due to the financial reason. See a registration form for the details.

The deadline of the application is 17 April, 2016. extended to 13 May.

Applicants will be noticed on the results by the middle of May.

Abstract Submission

Young researchers and students willing to present short talk or a poster are kindly asked to submit a short abstract. 
The theme is not necessarily restricted to nuclear astrophysics. The Organizers encourage all the young participants to give presentation during the School and interact with the world-leading researchers in a wide research field from particle physics, nuclear physics to astrophysics and astronomy. 

In order to submit your abstract, please fill the mandatory columns in the abstract submission.

The deadline of the abstract submission is 8 May, 2016extended to 13 May.

!!!! To Applicants of Students Support !!!!

The dead line of submission for applicants of Students Support is 

17 April, 2016. extended to 13 May.

It is mandatory for applicants to submit an abstract and a short recommendation letter from the supervisor. Please attach the recommendation letter in PDF when you submit the abstract. 

List of Lecturers

Prof. Timothy BeersUniversity of Notre Dame, USA 
Observational Astronomy
Prof. Shinji Ejiri : Niigata University, Japan
Theoretical Particle Physics
Prof. Kei Kotake : Fukuoka University, Japan
Theoretical Astrophysics
Dr. Maria LugaroKonkoly observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Theoretical Astronomy
Dr. Shigehiro NagatakiRIKEN, Japan
Theoretical Astrophysics
Dr. Petr Navratil : TRIUMF, Canada
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Prof. Ken-ichi OoharaNiigata University, Japan
Theoretical Astrophysics
Prof. Nils Paar : University of Zagreb, Croatia
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Dr. Rosario Gianluca Pizzone : INFN-LNS, Italy
Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
Prof. Maya TakechiNiigata University, Japan
Experimental Nuclear Physics


For further information and questions, please contact us : nic-school_at_riken.jp

Organizing Committee

M. Matsuo (School Director, Niigata)
T. Ohtsubo (School Vice-Director, Niigata)
S. Ejiri (Niigata)
T. Isobe (RNC)
T. Kajino (NAOJ)
S. Kubono (RNC)
S. Nishimura (RNC)
K. Oohara (Niigata)
T. Shima (RCNP)
M. Takechi (Niigata)
K. Yoshida (Chair, Niigata)


Supported by

14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XIV),
Faculty of Science, Niigata University,
Center of Radioactive Ion Beam Science, Niigata University,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Center for the Evolution of the Elements (JINA-CEE),
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University (RCNP),
Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo (CNS),
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), 
and RIKEN Nishina Center.

