Maulen Nassurlla
(master student)
N. Burtebayev 1, J.T. Burtebayeva 1, A. Duisebayev1, T. Zholdybayev1, M. Nassurlla 2, S.B. Sakuta 3, S. Kliczewski4, E. Piasecki4, K. Rusek5, A. Trzcińska5, M. Wolińska-Cichocka5, S.V. Artemov 6
1Institute of Nuclear Physics of National Nuclear Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
3National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia;
4H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland;
5Heavy Ion Laboratory of Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland; 6Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
In elastic scattering in the system 12С + 13С the neutron transfer mechanism 12С(13С,12С)13С can manifest at backward angles. In this context, study of the cross sections in this area is of great interest for astrophysics since it allows us to estimate cross sections of the possible radiation capture 12С(n, ) 13С reaction and its role in the evolution of the Universe immediately after the Big-Bang. Because of the Coulomb repulsion the reaction near the Coulomb barrier, the process of the neutron transfer is peripheral.
Previously elastic scattering 12С + 13С at an energy close to our, was investigated in limited range of angles up to 600 [1]. In the resent study which done by Chua and Gobbi [2, 3] have been investigated the 12С + 13С system in the energy range of Elab=20 to 35.5 MeV. They have been obtained reasonable description of the experimental data for these energies. However, they could not give a satisfactory agreement between the theoretical calculations and experimental behavior angular distribution which is the rise cross section at backward hemisphere at Elab=32 MeV. In present work the angular range extended substantially (up 1200 in the center mass system). Differential cross sections for elastic scattering of 13C ions on the 12C nuclei were measured using beam extracted from the Cyclotron K = 160 HIL (Warsaw University) at the energy 2.5 MeV/nucleon.
Experimental data on elastic scattering were analyzed within the framework of the optical model (OM) and the Coupled Reaction Channels (CRC) method with code FRESCO [4] taking into account the neutron transfer mechanism. Analysis showed that, OM does not provide cross sections enhancement in backward direction. Only taking into account the neutron transfer mechanism gives rise to cross sections at large angles. The set of the optimal parameters of the potential was V0=73.1MeV, r0=1.03fm, a0=0.699fm, W=35.22MeV, rw=1.19fm aw=0.211fm.
[1] Gary D. Westfall and Zaidi S.A.A., Physical Review C, 14, 610 (1976).
[2] Chua L.T., Gobbi A., Sachs M.W, Shapira D., Wieland R., Bromley D.A., Il Nuovo Cimento A, V. 47, 4, 430 (1978).
[3] Chua L.T., Gobbi A., Sachs M.W, Shapira D., Wieland R., Bromley D.A., Il Nuovo Cimento A, V. 47, 4, 443 (1978).
[4] Thompson I.J., Comput. Phys. Rep., 7, 167(1988).
Primary author
Maulen Nassurlla
(master student)