6–8 Jul 2016
Shimoda Tokyu Hotel
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Accommodation and information for your comfortable stay
We booked your rooms according to the registration information. Please find below general information for your comfortable stay in the Shimoda Tokyu Hotel.

Breakfast is served between 7:00am - 10:00am in a buffet style.

pool and hot spring
The Shimoda Tokyu Hotel is a seaside resort hotel and is equiped with a private pool in the garden. Do not forget to bring your swimming wear. The hotel is also equipped with a hot spring facing the pacific ocean in a beatiful view.

Hotel at Shinagawa
For those who requested rooms in Shinagawa for the night of 4th July, we booked rooms in Shinagawa Prince Hotel <link>. The hotel is located just in front of the Shinagawa station of Yamanote line. Please see "Venue" page for more information on public transportation from Haneda and Narita airports. You will receive train tickets for the next day (5th/July) from Shinagawa to Shimoda upon your check-in at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.