25–30 Jul 2016
Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Hadron spectroscopy with COMPASS

28 Jul 2016, 11:40
1F Centennial Hall (Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University)

1F Centennial Hall

Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University

Board: P-6-2


Stephan Paul (TU Munchen)


The COMPASS spectroscopy program mostly foots on the use of hadron beams. Large data samples on diffractive production using incoming pions and kaons allow new insights into the spectrum of light and strange mesons. Large data samples also require the development of new analysis methods and close cooperation with phenomenologists. We present new results on the light meson spectrum obtained from 3pi final states using data obtained on hydrogen and heavy targets. In addition, lepto-production of heavy quark systems has been studied with high energy muon beams and new results exotic, charmonium-like mesons will be presented.

Presentation materials