25–30 Jul 2016
Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Zc(3900) from Lattice QCD simulation

27 Jul 2016, 10:35
1F Centennial Hall (Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University)

1F Centennial Hall

Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University

Board: P-3-3


Yoichi Ikeda (RCNP, Osaka University)


The possible exotic meson Zc(3900), found in e+e reactions, is studied by the method of coupled-channel scattering in lattice QCD. The interactions among πJ/ψ, ρηc and D¯D channels are derived from (2+1)-flavor QCD simulations at mπ=410-700 MeV. The interactions are dominated by the off-diagonal πJ/ψ-D¯D and ρηc-D¯D couplings, which indicates that the Zc(3900) is not a usual resonance but a threshold cusp. Semi-phenomenological analyses with the coupled-channel interaction are also presented to confirm this conclusion.

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