Meson-Nucleon Interactions: A-4 / 26-mni-2
- Satoshi Yokkaichi
Meson-Nucleon Interactions: A-1 / 26-mni-1
- Fuminori Sakuma
Meson-Nucleon Interactions: B-5 / 26-mni-3
- Takatsugu Ishikawa
Meson-Nucleon Interactions: C-1 / 27-mni-4
- Tetsuo Hyodo
Meson-Nucleon Interactions: D-4 / 29-mni-5
- Hideko Nagahiro
Meson-Nucleon Interactions: E-1 / 29-mni-6
- Hiroyuki Noumi
Akinobu Dote
(KEK Theory Center)
26/07/2016, 14:15
In mesic nuclei, kaonic nuclei have been a hot topic for a decade. Due to so strong KbarN attraction that generates a hyperon resonance Lambda(1405), kaonic nuclei could have various interesting properties, in particular to form a dense matter. To clarify exotic nature caused by anti-kaons, the most essential kaonic nucleus “K-pp” has been studied eagerly from both theoretical and experimental...
Takumi Yamaga
(Osaka university)
26/07/2016, 14:50
As a consequence of the attractive KbarN interaction, kaonic nuclei which is bound state of anti-kaon and nucleon has been widely discussed. All theoretical studies support the existence of kaonic nuclei, however, its energy and width are widely spread depending on energy dependence of the KbarN interaction model. The investigation of such bound state would help us to understand the KbarN...
Takayasu Sekihara
(Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA)
26/07/2016, 15:20
Recently, a peak structure was observed near the K^- p p threshold in the in-flight 3He (K^- , Lambda p) n reaction of the E15 experiment at J-PARC. This peak could be a signal of the lightest kaonic nuclei, that is, the Kbar N N (I=1/2) state, which has been intensively studied both experimentally and theoretically in the last decade. In this contribution we theoretically investigate what is...
Astrid Hiller Blin
(IFIC/CSIC/Universidad de Valencia)
26/07/2016, 15:20
The phi-meson properties in cold nuclear matter are revisited by implementing resonant phi-N interactions as described in chirally-based approaches including the unitarization of scattering amplitudes. Several N*-like states are dynamically generated in these models around 2 GeV, immediately above the phi N threshold. We find that these states give a sizable contribution to the phi collisional...
Celso Franco
26/07/2016, 15:50
The HADES experiment at GSI was designed to investigate the properties of hadrons inside dense nuclear matter. The latter is created in heavy-ion collisions at energies of 1-2 AGeV. HADES is currently the only running experiment that studies the region in the QCD phase diagram of very high net-baryon densities and low temperatures. Similar conditions are also present in one of the most...
Yudai Ichikawa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
26/07/2016, 15:50
An interaction between Kbar and nucleus is studied by using the X-ray from the kaonic atoms for a long time. However, it is difficult to determine the Kbar-nucleus interaction by using only kaonic-atoms data because the value of shift and width of the X-ray depend not only the potential depth but also the type of theoretical model. Thus, we study the Kbar-nucleus interaction by comparing an...
Sun Young Ryu
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University)
26/07/2016, 16:50
The $\phi$-$\Lambda(1520)$ interference effect in the $\gamma p\to K^+K^-p$ reaction has been measured for the first time in the energy range from 1.673 to 2.173 GeV at LEPS/SPring-8. The relative phases between $\phi$ and $\Lambda(1520)$ production amplitudes were obtained in the kinematic region where the two resonances overlap. The measurement results support strong constructive...
Masayuki Niiyama
(Kyoto Univ.)
26/07/2016, 17:20
A high intensity GeV gamma beam line, LEPS2, was constructed at SPring-8 in Japan in 2013. The LEPS2 beam line provides a highly polarized photon beam up to 3 GeV with one order higher intensity than that of LEPS1 facility. We are constructing a 4$\pi$ solenoidal spectrometer which can detect both of charged particles and photons. The LEPS2 solenoid spectrometer consists of a time projection...
Alvin Kiswandhi
(Department of Physics, STKIP Surya)
26/07/2016, 17:50
We study the near-threshold incoherent $\phi$ photoproduction on the deuteron based on a model of $\gamma N \to \phi N$, consisting of Pomeron, $(\pi, \eta)$ exchanges, and a $J^P = 3/2^-$ resonance, which describes the low energy \gamma p \to \phi p$ LEPS data well, including the peak in the forward differential cross section. The calculation is done up to double rescatterings, with the spin...
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
(INFN Genova)
27/07/2016, 14:15
In the hadron spectroscopy in the heavy quark region, new symmetry plays an important role. The symmetry is the heavy quark spin symmetry. It manifests the mass degeneracy of the states with different total spin, e.g. degeneracies of $D$ and $D^\ast$ mesons and $\Sigma_c$ and $\Sigma^\ast_c$ baryons. It is important to generate the exotic hadron structures found in the heavy quark region. The...
Hideo Suganuma
(Kyoto Univ.)
27/07/2016, 15:20
Large N_c QCD in 1+3 dimensional spacetime can be converted into its holographic dual model via gauge/gravity correspondence (called the Sakai-Sugimoto model or holographic QCD)[1]. This QCD-based model well reproduces the mass spectrum of mesons, and also explains many properties of hadron phenomenology such as anomalies, the vector meson dominance, and the Skryme model. In this paper, we...
Kohei Matsumoto
(Kyoto University)
27/07/2016, 15:50
We investigate the H-dibaryon (uuddss) in holographic QCD [1, 2]. Holographic QCD is derived from a QCD-equivalent D-brane system in the superstring theory via the gauge/gravity correspondence. In holographic QCD, all baryons appear as topological chiral solitons of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and (axial) vector mesons [1, 2]. In this framework, the H-dibaryon can be described as an SO(3)-type...
Takahiro Nishi
(RIKEN Nishina center)
29/07/2016, 14:15
We report our recent experiment of the pionic 121, 116Sn atom using missing-mass spectroscopy of the 122, 117Sn(d, 3He) reaction near the charged pion emission threshold. An established approach for quantitative evaluation of the chiral symmetry breaking in finite density is study of pion-nucleus interaction through the experimental measurement of pionic atoms. So far the 1s pionic states in...
Yuni Watanabe
(University of Tokyo)
29/07/2016, 14:45
Spectroscopy of pionic atoms enables us to investigate partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite density.It is theoretically known that the isovector potential parameter of parameter of the pion-nucleus interaction is related to the chiral condensate.Past experiments with the (d,3He) reaction at GSI showed an evidence of partial restoration of chiral symmetry. For the further study of...
Natsumi Ikeno
(Tottori University)
29/07/2016, 15:15
We study theoretically the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms to deduce precisely the pion properties in nuclei from the observables. It is important to know the pion properties in nuclei since they are believed to provide valuable information on the aspects of the symmetry of strong interaction at finite density. In this presentation, we show the theoretical formation spectra of deeply...
Atsushi Tokiyasu
(Tohoku Univeristy)
29/07/2016, 16:50
The production mechanism of a \Sigma \pi pair from a deuteron target gives us an essential information on the interaction between \Lambda(1405) and nucleon. J-PARC E27 group studied the d(\pi+, K+)X reaction, and reported a large mass shift in the hyperon resonance region. Checking the spectrum using the other reaction is helpful to reveal the source of the large shift. We measured the...
Kenta Miyahara
(Kyoto university)
29/07/2016, 17:50
Aiming at quantitative studies of Kbar nuclei, we construct the reliable KbarN local potential. Based on the chiral coupled-channel approach, the chiral unitary approach, we establish a new construction method which respects the behavior of the scattering amplitude in the complex energy plane. This method is employed to the recent experimental data of the energy shift of the kaonic hydrogen by...
Takashi Ezoe
(RCNP, Osaka university)
29/07/2016, 18:20
We study the $¥bar{K}N$ system in the Skyrme model in a method based on the bound state approach of Callan-Klebanov but with the kaon around the physical nucleon of the rotating hedgehog. This corresponds to the variation after projection which is opposite to the variation before projection. The new method is considered to be more suited to the study of the weakly interacting $¥bar{K} N$...