6–7 Sept 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone

EURICA Isomer and Beta-delayed Gamma-ray Spectroscopy in the Vicinity of the 170Dy Valence Maximum and Future Studies at DESPEC

7 Sept 2016, 11:10

RIBF 201



Prof. Patrick Regan (University of Surrey)


This presentation will report on the experimental results from EURICA experiments focussed on the isomer-decay spectroscopy of nuclei in the region of the prolate-deformed, 170Dy valence maximum. In particular the excitation energies of the ground state (K=0+) and gamma (K=2+) band members will be presented [1,2] together with isomer spectroscopy of the neighbouring Tb nuclei [3]. These results allow a mapping of the quadrupole collectivity and deformation across the maximum for Np.Nn values between 50<Z<82 and 82<N<126 and also allow an evaluation of the mixing between the ground state and gamma-vibrational structures. Additional results on isomer decay studies in N=100 nuclei will also be presented which demonstrate evidence for a deformed sub-shell closure at N=100 and the possible importance of beta_6 deformation in the deformed single-particle ordering in this region [4,5]. Finally a short presentation of some future possible research activities with the DESPEC LaBr3 fast-timing array [6] will be discussed. REFERENCES: [1] H.Watanabi et al., Phys. Lett. B760 (2016) p641 [2] P.A.Soderstrom et al., submitted to Physics Letters B. [3] L.A.Gurgi et al., abstract and oral presentation at the ICDA2 conference, U. Surrey, UK July 2016. [4] Z. Patel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 262502 [5] Z. Patel et al., Phys. Lett. B753 (2016) p182 [6] Oliver J. Roberts et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A748 (2014) p91; P.H.Regan et al., Rad. Phys. Chem. 116 (2015) p38.

Primary author

Prof. Patrick Regan (University of Surrey)

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