Sep 6 – 7, 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Beta-decay spectroscopy measurements of 136,137,138Sb

Sep 6, 2016, 1:55 PM

RIBF 201



Mr James Keatings (University of the West of Scotland)


Level schemes of the neutron-rich nuclei 136,137,138Sb have been constructed from beta- and beta-n decay data gathered during the EURICA campaign. Decay schemes were constructed from ion-beta-gamma coincidence events and these are the first reports of excited states in 137,138Sb and the first level scheme of 136Sb derived from beta-decay data. With only one proton beyond the Z=50 shell closure, information on the structure of the N>82 Sb nuclei provides key data allowing the evolution of nuclear structure from single-particle states to those with a more fragmented structure to be followed. Results on Pn values and beta-decay half-lives will also be presented.

Primary author

Mr James Keatings (University of the West of Scotland)

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