Charge-exchange (CE) reactions at intermediary energies serve as a direct method for the extraction of the Gamow-Teller (GT) transition strengths, which are of importance for the estimation of weak-reaction rates for a variety of astrophysical phenomena such as core-collapse supernovae (CCSN) and the crustal heating of neutron
stars. In particular, CE reactions in the $\beta^+$ direction, like $(t,{}^{3}\text{He})$ and $(d,{}^{2}\text{He})$, are essential to determine the electron-capture (EC) rates that play a significant role in the above-mentioned scenarios.\
Recently, a ${}^{88}\text{Sr}(t,{}^{3}\text{He}+\gamma){}^{88}\text{Rb}$ experiment was performed at NSCL using the S800 spectrometer in coincidence with the gamma-ray detector array GRETINA. Experimental results provide a constrain of the EC rates on neutron-rich nuclei, around the $N=50$ line, which
are of importance for understanding the late stages of CCSN.\
In the future, $(d,{}^{2}\text{He})$ experiments in inverse kinematics will open up the opportunity to investigate CE reactions of far-from-stability nuclei. The AT-TPC, a detector based on time
projection chamber, provides a unique technique for achieving such experiments. Simulation results show a very good reconstruction of the $(d,{}^{2}\text{He})$ kinematics and
also indicate that this technique might be feasible for upcoming experiments.\
Results of the data analysis and perspectives for $(d,{}^{2}\text{He})$ experiments will be discussed.