Opening day
Submission deadline
1. Create a user account by clicking on "Submit a new abstract" and following the link in "If you don't have an account, you can create one here". Account approval is done manually, so it may take a business day or two.
2. Please prepare a 1-page PDF using this template. Edit and save the file as a PDF with a file name "PresenterLastName"_Abstract.pdf.
3. Click "Submit new abstract" and fill in the form.
Title: Copy your presentation title from your abstract file.
Content: Leave it blank, or copy text from your abstract (it will show up in the conference management system).
Contribution type: Deadline for contributed talk has passed. Please choose poster here. Choose from Poster, Contributed Talk (If you wish to give a talk, please select this presentation type. The slots for contributed talks are very limited, so it is likely that we ask you to give a poster presentation instead.), or Invited Talk (Invited speakers please select this presentation type.).
Authors: For the "Authors" section, enter the presenter information here. Please use the "Co-Authors" section for any co-authors. The "Co-Authors" section is optional, but we encourage you to enter the information, as they will appear in the author index within this conference management system.
Attachments: Please attach your abstract in PDF format. The file name should be PresenterLastName_Abstract.pdf. Don't forget to convert your file to a PDF!
4. Submissions can be edited until they are accepted by the organizers.