1 March 2019
Wako Branch
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Finished the call for poster presentations. Thank you for your cooperation. The accepted poster presenters are shown to Poster Presenter List.

Scientific Programme

The General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2018 / The 18th Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening Program PDF:

Oral Session Program PDF:

Poster Presentation Program PDF:

Event Page (SASC):

  • Opening Remark(開会の挨拶)

    Yuichiro Kato (Chair of RIKEN Scientists' Assembly Steering Committee (SASC))
    加藤 雄一郎(理研 研究員会議幹事会 代表幹事)

  • General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2018 (in Japanese) 平成30年度 研究員会議総会

    「平成30年度 研究員会議総会」

    研究員会議総会は研究系職員(研究員会議会員)のための公式行事であり、更なる研究の発展と推進を目的として行われます。研究員会議の会員の皆様には、以下のURLより「平成30年度 研究員会議総会」への出席/書面出席のご登録を2月22日(金)までにお願い申し上げます。 総会の成立には会員の2分の1以上の出席(書面出席を含む)が必要ですので、ご協力をお願いいたします。

    Web Page:

    "General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2018"

    The aim of the RSA is to socialize researchers in different fields, to improve the research environment, and to resolve problems that researchers in RIKEN are facing. Please register your attendance or absence for "General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly (RSA) for FY2018" by Friday, Feb. 22 from the URL below. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated since a quorum for the General Meeting requires attendance by at least fifty percent of the RSA membership.

    Web Page:

  • Special Talks(特別講演)

    福田 直樹 (理研 研究員会議幹事会 副代表幹事)

    (田中克典 理研 主任研究員/理研 開拓研究本部 田中生体機能合成化学研究室)

    Web Page:


    (菅谷 眞実/本田技研工業株式会社 カスタマーファースト本部 資源循環推進部 戦略企画課)

    (倉品 大輔/株式会社 本田技術研究所 R&Dセンター X エネルギーシステム)

    Web Page:

  • V.S.O.P.s(口頭発表 in English)

    "General (Clerical Staff)"
    1. Publicizing your research
    Mr. Jens Wilkinson
    International Affairs Division, Headquarters

    "General (Researcher)"
    2.Live single-cell mass spectrometry reveals cancer-specific metabolites of circulating tumor cells
    Ms. Yasmine Abouleila
    Junior Research Associate
    Laboratory for Cell-Free Protein Synthesis, DBR

    3.Quantifying heterogeneity by an integrated RAMAN spectroscopy and mass spectrometry platform to achieve single-cell drug discovery
    Mr. Ahmed Ali
    Junior Research Associate
    Laboratory for Cell Dynamics Research, DBR

    4.Decoherence of Majorana bound states by electron-phonon interaction
    Dr. Pasquale Marra
    Research scientist
    Quantum System Theory Research Team, CEMS

    5.Nanostructures and nanomaterials developed by femtosecond laser ablation in liquids
    Dr. Dongshi Zhang
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Advanced Laser Processing Research Team, RAP

    6.Progress and Future prospectus of AlGaN-based UVB LEDs for real world applications
    Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Khan
    Special Postdoctoral Researcher
    Terahertz Quantum Device Research Team, RAP

    7.Reshuffled Tensor Decomposition with Exact Recovery of Low-rank Components
    Dr. Chao Li
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Tensor Learning Unit, Generic Technology Research Group, AIP

    8.Quantitative proteomics study of immune regulation in mouse adipose tissue
    Dr. Yibo Wu
    Senior Scientist
    Young Chief Investigator Program for Next-Generation Proteomics, IMS

  • Poster Presentations(ポスター発表)

    45 Posters.
    You can get the this workshop programs in this web site.

  • The 18th Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening(第18回 異分野交流の夕べ)

    Free food and drinks (sponsored by RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society)

    Live Performance by CPR Band