30–31 Aug 2019
Rikkyo University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Analysis Update on the Lifetime Measurement of the $^\text{26}$O g.s. at SAMURAI

30 Aug 2019, 14:10
McKim Hall (Building #15), Room MB01 (Rikkyo University)

McKim Hall (Building #15), Room MB01

Rikkyo University

3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan


Ms Sonja Storck (TU Darmstadt)


A recent experiment suggests that the ground state of the neutron-unbound nucleus $^\text{26}$O could have a lifetime in the pico-second regime. This would constitute the first case of a radioactive
decay via neutron emission, if this value can be confirmed.

In Dezember 2016, the S20 experiment using a new measurement method to determine the decay lifetime
of the $^\text{26}$O ground state with high sensitivity and precision was performed at SAMURAI. Here, a $^\text{27}$F beam was produced in the fragment separator BigRIPS and impinged on a W/Pt target stack where $^\text{26}$O was produced. According to the lifetime, the decay of $^\text{26}$O happens either in- or outside the target. Thus, the velocity difference between the decay neutrons and the fragment $^\text{24}$O delivers a characteristic spectrum from which the lifetime can be extracted.

The current analysis status will be reported.

Primary author

Ms Sonja Storck (TU Darmstadt)

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