The Spin Physics Detector (SPD) is one of the two large setups at the
NICA collider under construction at JINR (Dubna). The ultimate goal of
the studies at SPD is measurement of different spin observables in
polarized proton-proton, deuteron-deuteron and proton-deuteron
collisions sensitive to the polarized gluonic structure of the nucleon
at the luminosity up to 10^32 cm^-2*s^-1 and \sqrt{s} up to 27 GeV.
SPD will consist of the superconducting magnetic system, silicon
tracker based on the DSSD and MAPS technologies, straw mini-drift
tubes tracker, time-of-flight system, electromagnetic «shashlyk»-type
calorimeter, muon (range) and local-polarimetry systems. The high
performance free-streaming DAQ system will be able to operate at the
collision rate up to 4 MHz.