18–22 Oct 2021
Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Spin Transparency Method for High Precision Experiments with Polarized Beams

19 Oct 2021, 20:30
Room 305-306 (Kunibiki Messe)

Room 305-306

Kunibiki Messe

Parallel Session keynote talk (by invitation only) Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of polarized Beams Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of polarized Beams


Dr Yury Filatov (MIPT)


The Spin Transparency technique is discussed as an efficient, highly flexible method for control of the beam polarization. It applies from acceleration to long term maintenance and spin manipulation in real time during an experimental run of a collider or storage ring. This method relies on "transparent" collider structures where, for a particle moving on the design orbit, any initial orientation of its spin is repeated every turn at any location along the orbit. Precision control of the spin direction and the spin tune is accomplished using “spin navigators” based on weak longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields. Spin navigators can be used to compensate the effects of field errors as well as to reverse the spins multiple times during an experiment. This allows one to substantially reduce the experiment’s systematic errors and reach a new level of measurement precision. The main features of the spin transparency mode are demonstrated using the examples of a figure-8 collider, a racetrack with two identical Siberian snakes, as well as a conventional ring at an energy corresponding to an integer spin resonance. We demonstrate the feasibility of low-energy figure-8-based rings dedicated to search for Electric Dipole Moment and Dark Matter. We consider the possibility of applying the spin transparency mode at ultra-high energies.

Primary authors

Dr Yury Filatov (MIPT) Dr Ya. S. Derbenev (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Riad Suleiman (Jefferson Lab) Vasiliy Morozov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Anatoliy Kondratenko (Science and Technique Laboratory "Zaryad") Mikhail Kondratenko (Science and Technique Laboratory "Zaryad") Dr Andrey Butenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Evgeny Syresin (JINR)

Presentation materials