The J-PARC E42 is a dedicated experiment to search for an H-dibaryon near $\Lambda\Lambda$ and $\Xi^{-}p$ threshold. The H-dibaryon is the lightest $S=−2$ system which can be decomposed into a symmetric six-quark object made from $\textit{uuddss}$ quarks and two baryon states involving $\Lambda\Lambda$, $\Xi N$, and $\Sigma\Sigma$ components. E42 detector is highlighted by a large-acceptance Superconducting Hyperon Spectrometer (SHS), which accommodates a GEM-based time projection chamber (HypTPC). A high-intensity $K^{-}$ beam was incident on a diamond target inside the HypTPC, and outgoing $K^{+}$ particles were tagged using a dipole KURAMA spectrometer. The reaction $(K^-,K^+)$ proves the production of $S=-2$ systems at a beam momentum of 1.82 GeV/c. The E42 has completed physics runs in 2021. E42 data includes all charged particles from subsequent decays in $^{12}$C$(K^-,K^+)$ reactions. Analysis effort of the dataset is now underway. Spin analysis of two $\Lambda$s would help an experimental confirmation of the existence of a spin-singlet H-dibaryon. We will present expected results with E42 and hadron physics programs with SHS.