18–22 Oct 2021
Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Search for the H-dibaryon near $\Lambda\Lambda$ and $\Xi^{-}p$ thresholds via $^{12}$C$(K^-,K^+)$ reactions at J-PARC

21 Oct 2021, 07:00
Room 401 (Kunibiki Messe)

Room 401

Kunibiki Messe

Parallel Session keynote talk (by invitation only) Low energy spin physics with lepton, photon and hadron probes Low energy spin physics with lepton, photon and hadron probes


Dr Shin Hyung Kim (Korea University)


The J-PARC E42 is a dedicated experiment to search for an H-dibaryon near $\Lambda\Lambda$ and $\Xi^{-}p$ threshold. The H-dibaryon is the lightest $S=−2$ system which can be decomposed into a symmetric six-quark object made from $\textit{uuddss}$ quarks and two baryon states involving $\Lambda\Lambda$, $\Xi N$, and $\Sigma\Sigma$ components. E42 detector is highlighted by a large-acceptance Superconducting Hyperon Spectrometer (SHS), which accommodates a GEM-based time projection chamber (HypTPC). A high-intensity $K^{-}$ beam was incident on a diamond target inside the HypTPC, and outgoing $K^{+}$ particles were tagged using a dipole KURAMA spectrometer. The reaction $(K^-,K^+)$ proves the production of $S=-2$ systems at a beam momentum of 1.82 GeV/c. The E42 has completed physics runs in 2021. E42 data includes all charged particles from subsequent decays in $^{12}$C$(K^-,K^+)$ reactions. Analysis effort of the dataset is now underway. Spin analysis of two $\Lambda$s would help an experimental confirmation of the existence of a spin-singlet H-dibaryon. We will present expected results with E42 and hadron physics programs with SHS.

Primary author

Dr Shin Hyung Kim (Korea University)


Prof. Jung Keun Ahn (Korea University) Prof. Shuhei Hayakawa (Tohoku University) Dr Yudai Ichikawa (JAEA)

Presentation materials