The searches for permanent Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of elementary
particles provide a powerful tool to probe physics beyond the standard model
(SM). This is particularly useful to investigate the CP-violation mechanisms
that can explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
Conducting such searches in storage rings requires unprecedented understand-
ing of beam and spin dynamics, dictated by the smallness of the EDM signal
to be measured. Given the complexity of storage rings, the desired signal is
mainly dominated by the systematic uncertainties of the machine. It is there-
fore mandatory to build a computational model that emulates the realistic
machine in order to help to disentangle the real signal out of the fake one.
This talk will present a surrogate computational tool in the context of spin and
beam dynamics, to quantify the hierarchy of uncertainties in a storage ring.
This tool will be applied to a model of the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) as a