Applications of Nuclear Polarization in other Fields: Chair: Takayuki Kumada
- Kenichiro Tateishi (RIKEN)
- Takayuki KUMADA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Patrick Hautle (Paul Scherrer Institute)
The PREFER (Polarization REsearch for Fusion Experiments and Reactors) collaboration aims to address the know-hows in different fields and techniques to the challenging bet on fusion with polarized fuel.
The efforts on a variety of duties and goals, which are under the responsibility of different institutes and research groups (indicated here by the representatives of the research center...
Nuclear Barnett effect and Nuclear Einstein-de Haas effect
Hiroyuki Chudo1*, Mamoru Matsuo2,1,3, Sadamichi Maekawa1,2,3, and Eiji Saitoh,14
1Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
2Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Republic of China
3Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS),...
Hyperpolarized-nuclear magnetic resonance and imaging (HP-NMR/MRI) is a promising technique that allows direct monitoring of metabolic reactions in vitro and in vivo. Given the 13C- or 15N-labeled molecular probes whose NMR signal is amplified by the dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) under a cryogenic magnetic field (3.35T, 1.4K), the sample is rapidly dissolved with a superheated solvent...
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are powerful and versatile methods in modern chemistry and biology fields. Nevertheless, they suffer from intrinsically limited sensitivity due to the low nuclear spin polarization at ambient temperature. One of the promising methods to overcome this limitation is dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) that...