Feb 16 – 17, 2023
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Modeling the photonuclear reactions within the Hauser-Feshbach Fission Fragment Decay framework

Feb 16, 2023, 4:15 PM
RIBF2F Large conference Room (RIKEN Nishina Center)

RIBF2F Large conference Room

RIKEN Nishina Center


Hirokazu Sasaki


We perform the statistical Hauser-Feshbach Fission Fragment Decay model to the photo-induced fission reactions on major actinides. The calculated result of fission observables shows good agreement with the experimental data and supports a traditional assumption that the photo-fission could be approximated by neutron-induced fission at the same excitation energies.

Primary authors

Hirokazu Sasaki Toshihiko Kawano Amy Lovell Shin Okumura Ionel Stetcu

Presentation materials